Chapter 29

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I didn't leave my room for the rest of the night. I was to scared to go down there and face my biggest fear..

I ended up falling asleep watching Elf .


I woke up in my room. Somehow in my pajamas.

I felt something sticky and warm on my arm. I rubbed it, not even caring.

I rubbed my eyes and noticed something red on my hands.

I looked at them and screamed.

There was fucking blood all over me. I looked at my arms and noticed my scars were cut open again.

"N-No. H-Help."I cried, trying to stand up but I couldn't.  I was tied down to my bed.

Then I was completely naked.

It was cold. I cried and my arms bled and were sore.

"Hello little sister..."I heard Christophers voice whisper, but he wasnt there.

"Please let me go! I want to go! Please.. just please.."I sobbed. I wish this was a dream.

Please be a dream..


This can't happen again...Niall save me. SOMEONE save me please!

I shot up quickly, sweating and crying, again.

I checked my arms and rubbed them roughly. No blood. I pushed the covers off of me. No ropes.

I kept crying.

"Tori..? Love, whats wrong? Its 3 am.."I heard Nialls accent mumble next to me.

I laid down and buried my face in his chest. God. It was a nightmare. Nightmaree.

He wrapped his arms around me, obviously aware that I was creating Niagra Falls on the bed.

"What happened?? Are you okay??"He whispered softly to me.

"I-I was bleeding and..and tied down and Christopher was there and and I was petrified.. I thought I was dying!" I stumbled. He hugged me tighter and pulled the covers over us again.

" sh.. You're okay Tori.. You aren't bleeding, tied down or dying.. You're safe.."He kissed the top of my head.

"Promise?"I mumbled and he nodded

"Promise... Now go back to sleep.." He whispered.

I nodded and closed my eyes again.

I'm fine..Im's okay..

And with that.. I fell back to sleep.






Well, that was a short ass chapter holy shit. .

But Im like in such a hurrying because we're having lasagna for dinner and its like freakin amazing!

I might not update this week because i have to do two book reports, study for an assessment and do homework so Im packed.

So, you guys are amazing and please go check out my new story
Bus #360

Thanks guys :)

Stay Gorgeous ;)

-Chloe :)

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