Chapter 3

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Niall' s *p.o.v*

"20 questions?" Harry suggested. We were thinking of games to play but none of them were really good ideas. Tori had a little smirk on her face and it was actually really cute. I'm not going to deny it. She is a beautiful girl. "What about truth or dare?" She asked and everyone looked at her.

"I like that idea!Let's do it!" Louis said clapping his hands together with that grin he gets when he likes something or when he's hiding something..

"I don't know...Harry almost got arrested last time we played that.." Maddi said looking at Harry. Yea, they like each other. We all know it. "Oh come on!We won't make him do that again!" Louis whined and Tori laughed

"What'd he do?" She asked smiling widely

"We dared him to run around the building naked." Zayn said laughing ans Harry started blushing

"Mrs.Winston looked petrified.." He said still blushing and Tori laughed again.

"Oh come on. Let's just play Truth or Dare! We played this last week maddi! You didn't seem very cautious when-" Maddi cut her off laughing nervously

"Okay Tori shuddup now." She said and We all looked at her with puppy eyes

"pleassse maddi?" Harry asked and Maddi bit her lip. weak spot.

"Fine.."She signed giving in "But no nakedness!" She ordered and we all cheered.

We all had a beer in our hands and we were in the middle of the game and Harry was doing a handstand and Zayn was drunk because Maddi told him to take a shot every time he heard his name. Now it was Louis' turn. "Okay...Who will I choose..." He tapped his chin looking at all of us "Hmm...Tori." He said grinning "Truth or Dare?" . Tori smirked and thought for a moment. "Dare." She's said taking a sip of her drink. "I Dare you to...Prank Call the cops..." He said and she nodded.

"Hmm okay." She said and took out her phone. The case had music notes on it.

"Louis now you know that's illegal!" Liam said slapping him upside the head.

"Oh so what?"He said as Tori put the phone on speaker. It rang....and it rang...and it rang until someone answered the phone

"Hello this is Los Angeles Police Department. How May I help?" A ladies voice asked and Tori smirked

"I have a problem."She said sort of like a little girl

"What is it sweetie?"The lady asked

"I can't sleep...Can you tell me a bedtime story..?"She asked and there was a long pause

"Excuse Me?"The lady asked

"Tell me a bedtime story"Tori said again and I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing. So did Maddi and the boys

"Sweetheart, I think you have the wrong  number.." The woman said

"But mommy told me to call someone if I can't sleep..." Tori said and then the line went dead " How rude."She giggled and Louis laughed which made us all laugh.

"bedtime story? " Maddi laughed and so did Tori

"I couldn't think of anything else!" She said with a smile on her face

"It was hilarious!" Louis laughed

"Haha thanks" Tori giggled. oh my God her giggle was cute.

"Okay Tori it  your turn..Choose." Zayn chuckled and she nodded looking around and her eyes stopped at me and she smirked.

"Niall."She smiled "Truth or Dare?" She asked and I thought

"Uhm truth?" I said and she smirked and looked at me for a while..

"If you could date anyone in the world...Who would it be?"  She asked in sort of a slur.

" dont know.." I said hiding the truth..Honestly, I know I just met her but I would love to date her.

"Oh come on Ni! Tell the truthh" Zayn slurred

"Actually we have to go... It's 2 in the morning... " Maddi said checking her phone.

"Awe come Maddi just stay here the night!" Harry poured but Maddi just hugged him and the rest of us.

"Sorry but Tori is gonna have a hang over in the morning and that's not a very pretty sight and my professor will kill me if I'm late for class again.We'll come back on Friday alright?" She said and We all nodded.

she stood up and so did Tori. Tori smiled and hugged us all l. I was last. When she hugged me she put something in my back pocket.

"Text me.." She whispered in my ear and then let go of me smiling. Maddi and her then left.

I took the paper out of my pocket and looked at it.

Hey Niall text me maybe? ;)

I smiled and put the number in my phone.

I got her number.

Truth or  Dare ( Niall Horan)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя