Chapter 54

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It was around 5:30 when I got home. The boys and Maddy were still there. I mean, it was their day off.

As I walked inside, I threw the keys on the kitchen island, slipping off my now damp hoodie. I take my converse off, threw those somewhere by the door.

I started thinking about what will happen. He's gonna hate you. She's gonna hate you. All of them will hate you. Even your family. What if Olivia goes through another breakup and your not there because some guy is trying to kill you? Or what about your mom? What if her cancer comes back? You coward. You're running. Disobeying your fathers' words. Never run from fear. Your brother was right. You are a bitch. A giant seething bitch. You'll have no one.

That's all I heard. I couldn't hear the laughter of my friends in the other room. I couldn't feel anything.

I felt sick. Like, puking sick. My heart race got faster and I could breathe but it hurt to. Before I knew it, I was sitting with my back against the wooden cabinets, crying. Worthless.

I don't think anyone would've noticed me if one of them wouldn't of walked into the kitchen. They just saw me with my face in my knees, barely able to breathe and they ran out, coming back with the rest of them.
At least I think.. I couldn't see.. I could only hear but even that was muffled.

"Tori.." someone pulled me into their lap "Tori love..calm down...shh." They said rubbing my back and kissing my head.

It was definitely Niall. I could smell his cologne and hear the accent.

I wish I could've stopped or at least calmed down but the tears wouldn't stop, my breathing was hitched in my throat and my heart beat was racing.


Was I worried about Tori? No. She had just gone to the café. I can trust Luis. It was 5:30 when I heard the door softly open and close. The car keys hit a surface and some shoes were thrown. She was home. Seems I was the only one who noticed all of that because everyone else was still in an epic battle of Mario Kart.

I stood up to go check on her but Louis just pushed me back down with one hand and a glass in the other. "I have to get up anyway, mate. I'll get her."He laughed, walking in the direction of the kitchen.

I laughed when I saw Harry push Liams' controller from his hand "Bloody Hell!"Liam laughed punching Harry's arm, causing him to laugh.

"Sorry mate, my hand must've slipped"Harry replied to Liams whining.

Then, Louis came running into the room. He looked worried- No. Concerned.

"Guys, something's wrong with Tori." He breathed out and before he could even finish his sentence Maddy and I were already in the kitchen.

She was huddled in the corner of the kitchen, her back against the cabinet, and her face pulled to her knees. She was breathing fast and heavy and you could hear her crying. It was muffled but you could definitely hear it.

I went over to her , sitting down and putting her in my lap. I told her to calm down and breathe as I rubbed her back.

I look up at Maddy who is right next to me. She mouthed the words "Anxiety Attack". I nodded and went back to comforting Tori.

Maddy tapped my shoulder and pointed to the hallway, whispering "Come here.."

I nodded and put Tori down slowly as if she was sleeping but she wasn't. She just curled up in a fetal position.

In the hallway, Maddy was biting her nails. She rarely ever did that. "Okay, this is what you need to do. Try gettimg her to talk, get her to breathe correctly and stop her crying. She'll most likely pass out within the next 25 to 30 minutes. Liam and Zayn left a couple minutes ago. I'm going to take Niall and Harry home and I'll be back around 7, okay?" She said and I nodded, looking back over at my everything. She was obviously hurting over something or someone.

"Alright, just hurry okay?" I say as she slips on her Vans.

"Okay, I will. I'll call Joeseph and see if he knows anything on my way back." She says, I nod.

Honestly, I never saw this coming. She was so happy. Something must've happened at the cafè or she's just stressed, but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that my princess is okay.

Once Maddy leaves, I go back into the kitchen, bending over to pick Tori up.

Her breathing settled but she was still crying softly. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hid her face in my chest. It was like she didn't want to look at me or she didn't want me looking at her. Either way, seeing her cry made me want to cry.

I carry her up the stairs and to the bedroom where I sit down, still holding her.

"Come on Princess..Tell me what happened.." I rub her back and rest my chin on the top of her head "No one else is here, you can tell me.."

I heard her sniffle and she coughed a little, like she was out of breath. "I'm just stressed.."She whispers, her voice was almost like a faint voice a crazy person would hear.

I kiss her temple, lasting there for a couple seconds as she went on.

"Just everything that's happened, I can't go back to school, I was in the hospital, I lost my virginity." She hiccups " I just can't handle it, it's like my mind is racing. My thoughts aren't collaborating correctly. I'm overwhelmed" She finishes and looks at me finally.
Her eyes were red and puffy, her tan skin was nearly pale and blotchy and she had mascara and tear lines running down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry for not saying anything.."She apologizes.

I shake my head slowly and peck her lips "There's nothing to be sorry about Princess. You were stressed. I understand." I say quietly causing her to smile slightly.

"I love you.."She said, rubbing one of her eyes making me smile.

"I love you more."I say, kissing her softly. As if she were porcelain glass.

She laid her head on my chest and next thing I know, she's asleep.



That's the end of this chapter :)

Um her anxiety attack is from personal experience so :/

Well, it's April 1st and whoopy cushions are in the air, mothers are being scared and fathers are telling terrible dad jokes.

I also put itching powder in my older brothers shoes and underwear this mornning. I'm sure he had a wonderful day.

Well guys, I'm gonna go~



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