Chapter 49

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I can't see... Why can't I see? I can hear and feel and taste but I couldn't see. I hear something buzzing and going ting....ting....ting, It feels cold and wet, almost like a basement and I have a bitter taste in my mouth. Though I  can't see. Lord why can't I see? Let me see...please? Now theres a pain on my wrist. Then another..and  another. It feels distantly familiar. It stung, really bad. My abdomen hurts now I can't breathe. I can see now though. I'm bleeding, I also have a knife in my abdomen. Explains the pain. I try to scream, but I can't, I think the knife hit my lungs or something.  I finally see a white light and I feel light headed. "Tori..Torrriiii. TOriiii! Tori!!"

I sat up straight, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. I blink a few times and grip the blanket thay was covering my body. I notice Maddy sitting on the edge of the bed, holding water and what looked like my medicine. She leaned over and put all that on the bedside table.

"You okay?"She asked concerned (as she always was.) I nod swallow hard, ive caugjt up with my breath by now but my heart was still racing.

"Yeah..Yeah, I'm fine.."I say a little un nerved "What're you doing here?"

She shrugs and smiles at me "I just finished taking my stuff out of the dorm and taking it to Harrys flat." She sighs "If you aren't gonna be there then why should I put up with another room mate? I already have to put up with you." She jokes and I roll my eyes, smiling.

Yeah, they decided that it's best I don't live on campus anymore so Niall decided to make me stay here, because I wouldn't let him but me an apartment or anything. That's all to much.

I feel like I'm being to needy, but he refuses to let me admit that.

"Well, just make sure you don't wake your new neighbors and wear a condom. We both know your mom wouldn't want a grandchild just yet."I said slipping out of the bed and earning a look from her. I start doing those weird stretches that naturally happen when you wake up.

"Speaking of that awkward subject," Maddy bounced up "have you done the frickle frack with the leprechaun yet? " She asked avoiding the word sex. She isn't fond of that word becaude it's just so... awkward?  I can't even put a finger on it.

I kind of just looked at her and laughed a little "Mads you should be a comedian, really you should." I said walking out of the bedroom and to the stairs, only to be followed by a motivated Maddy. Her goal today? To convice me to have sex with Niall.

"Tori, come on. You two have been dating for 6 months and I know you want to! I know he wants to too! So you're just causing the sexual frustration to grow more and more!"She explained walking down the steps with me. She had a point though, but I still really wasnt convinced. It's not that I don't want to because I really do. I just don't think I can.


"Victoria Amethyst Rivera, I hope you know what your brother did is not the same. Rape and making love is a completely different thing. Different experience, everything.  I promise and I totally get it if you don't want to. I'm just saying." She said and then I was convinced a bit..

I guess she's right. There is a difference..

"I'll think about it" I say finally, turning on the Television to Adventure Time.

Maddy succeeded her goal.


Well, there's you're chapter.  I feel so awkward.

I'm just gonna say this right now. Maddy is not supposed to be like one of those really slutty friend characters. No. Not at all. She just knows a lot and was supposed to be really awkard and adorbs ( she still is)

Oh! Can you guys go check out my Luke Hemmings fanfic? It's called Murderous and I think it's quite fantabulous.

Well, I love you guys

Stay fab ;)


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