Chapter 37

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⭐🌀Chapter 37🌀⭐

Clarkes POV

I felt pukey and a little nauseous. I knew what was wrong and I didn't want to accept it.

I was pregnant.

I was so stupid how could I have let him seduce me like that. And now I would probably die due to child birth.

I nervously tried to get up out of bed in Jaspers tent. Last night was so rough Octavia found out about well me and Bellamy and I found out he slept with Raven too.

I walked out into camp and the air was cold and crisp. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. Then I began walking in camp. Some people glared at me and others ignored me.


I bumped into someone.

"Sor-" I stopped mid-sentence to see Bellamy Blake.

"Don't get near me!" I yelled and walked away.

He tugged my wrist and dragged me behind the tents in a quiet place.

"Listen I don't remember!" He said.

"I know! Thats what makes it worse."I said.

"Why?!"He asked.

"Because of who you were before. I can't believe I let you do that to me last night... I HATE YOU GOO." I practically screamed.

I ran away back into a random tent and fell on Finn onto the ground. I was already crying when I fell on top of him.

"Clarke!"He said concerned and help me up. His grip remained on my arms.

"What's wrong?!"He asked.

"I-I-I love Bellamy."I said.

"Why is that errrrr ummmmm bad?"

"Other than he's completely dick and he is rude and self centered at times. And -"he continued and I stopped him.


"Why him?!"

"I Never loved you Finn and never will...just stop."I screamed.

"No!" he said.


***slap***Finn slapped me hard. Not hard enough to bleed only tiny but bruise up. I bruise easily though so it will appear huge.

Tears began pouring out of my eyes. I was smacked by Finn the most nicest understanding person. Did I deserve it or not?

I ran out of the tent into mine and cried and cried and cried until someone walked in. I still cried when they walked in.

"Hey wants wrong?! Oh My God your cheek!"Octavia said as she walked in and hugged me.

"Did Bellamy do this? If he did I'll kick his ass."Octavia said.

Octavia's POV

"Did Bellamy do this? If he did I'll kick his ass." I said.

"No no no no I just fell." She lied obviously.

"Tell me the truth Clarke?"I said."

"No,!"She yelled.

"YES."I Screamed as I went onto her. I examined her cheek and her face for any other bruises.

"Who?"I said.

"No one."She lied.

"Who?!!!"I yelled.

"----"she was silent.

"WHO?!!!!"I screamed.

"Finn." She said.

"II'll be back." I said.

"Noooooooo"she begged.

I ignored her and ran out to Bellamy and told him what happened.

"He's dead!"He said

"You okay princess"he asked Clarke.

She frowned and ignored him and walked ran away outside the gates.

Clarke's POV

I ran outside and puked in the forest. All the sudden I realized grounders returned it was only Lincoln though.

"Hello!" I said non-excitedly.

"Hello Octavia asked for my help yesterday with you."He said. As I rolled my eyes.

"Your pregnant aren't you."he said.

"No"I lied.

"Okay Yess I am"I said.

"I came to help you until the time you give birth."He said. I knew that him and Octavia were on and off with each other and she was torn between Jasper and him.

"Thank you but I will be okay."I said.

"Octavia's right about one thing you are stubborn."He said and smiled as he entered tent with me.

I walked back to camp and entered the tent of Mine.

"Shit!!" I had just remembered about what happened with Bellamy knowing I had to stop it.

"What?" Lincoln asked.

"Somethings bad gonna go down."I said

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