Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Bellamy's POV

"Clarke?!"I yelled as I ran to Clarke to catch her. I notice her nose has been bleeding and the bruises became visible on her body.

"Oh my god."Her mother said as she caressed her daughters head.

"The-The-The-The n-n-n-nurse warned m-m-me a-about this..."I said as I held Clarke in my arms. Abbey had returned with a blanket.

"What did she say this was?!"Ms.Griffin asked as she helped me wrap Clarke in the blanket.

"C-C-Cancer."I said as the color drained from her face.

"Help me get her in the car!"She ordered. I picked Clarke back up and carried her to her mothers car.

She opened the car door and I put her in the back seat. I got in right next to her.

The whole ride to the hospital was silent and every now and then she gave me a pretty dirty look as if she hated me...which she probably did.

We got Clarke out of the car and I carried her inside were the tool her from me and put her on a movable bed.

Charles eyes began to open her eyes a bit and lifted her self up the smallest bit.

"Clarke, I ne-"I was cut off as they rolled her away fast. From my distance I saw her begin to seize up.

I walked up to Clarke's mom who looked like she was freaking out.

"I'm so sorry!"I said to her as she looked at me angrily.

"I want you to stay away from Clarke... I can't believe you didn't even inform me of what Thalia said ... frankly I blame her for this too... Now go do yourself a favor and leave before I call security."She said angrily and walked away completely ignoring Thalia who was standing in her way. Abbey pushed past her and kept walking without looking back.

I stood there for a while in shock before I was forced to leave.

4 month later...

It's been 4 months since I've seen Clarke. Last I heard she had still been in the hospital doing her usual chemo treatments.

I've tried so many times to visit her but they wouldn't let me see her each time. I once tried to sneak in and ended up getting kicked out by the security guards.

My grades in school have been lacking since the incident and my relationship with Octavia hadn't been the best. Not even she visited Clarke at the hospital. They made it clear no Blakes' allowed.

Clarkes POV

"Mom?"I said as she quickly came to the bedside.

"Yeah sweety?!"She said sweetly and concerned.

"Why hasn't B-B-Bellamy came to visit me?"I asked as her facial expression changed.

"He isn't good for you Clarke ... he doesn't care for you ... he just wants to use you for se-"She said as I weakly cut her off.

"You don't know him Mom!"I tried to yell.

"No YOU DONT KNOW HIM!!"She yelled back.

"Clarke... You should hang out with boys like Finn."She said as I weakly laughed.

"You don't know a thing!"I said as I sat up.

"Not anything!!"I yelled as I felt her slap me. She began to look like she regret doing that.

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