Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Clarke's POV

I returned to camp, Everyone's eyes staring right at me. I didn't know what to do now. So I went straight to the and sat down next to jasper.

I stared at the wall in silence, not moving one bit.

"Clarke what's wrong?" Octavia asked but I didn't answer. She just sat beside me and stared at the wall with me.

"Well died , I found his body." I mumbled and she just put a hand on my shoulder.

"We'll figure this out." she said and I nodded.

"Because every life counts now." I said and sat back. She got up and and slowly exited the plane.

"G'night." she whispered and walked out. Finn had entered just as she left and sat beside me.

"I need to tell you something , Wells was gonna tell you today... It was about your mother and his father." he said and I

started to breathe heavily.

"What?" I said and held hi hand tightly.

"Your mother had an affair with His dad, After he lost his wife... and the accident on the bridge happened , he told Wells not to get Jake, he told him that he would get him. But he didn't on purpose, and your mom was in on it to. Clarke wells was -" He said and I felt anger rushing threw me.

"He saved my life , and I blamed him for my fathers death, When it was really My mom and Mr.Jaha." I said and got up. I Felt like I would throw up.

"Finn! He's my best friend ,bow could he let me think it was him, he let me hate him, He doesn't know I forgive him ... I love him." I said.

I ran outside and it was raining hard. I ran to my tent but my knees buckled causing me to fall onto the ground. I stayed there just soaking in the rain vulnerably.

I couldn't get up my body wouldn't let me. Then I felt someone picking me up. I felt there big hands hold my waist as they brought me to my tent.

I enter the tent and squeezed my eyes shut. Then I felt someone hugging me close as I cried. They rubbed my back and held my head.

"Shhh... It's okay." The husky voice said and calmed me down.

"It will never be okay." I mumbled as they let got and left. I didn't know who it was but I appreciated them trying to comfort me.

I laid down and closed my eyes. I dreamt of all the good time me and wells had when we were little, we known each other since kindergarten.

"I love you Wells, I don't hate you." I whispered and fell asleep.

Octavia's POV

I sat next to monty and jasper on the plane, then Finn walk in with a bottle of something.

"Whisky." He said and sat down. I grabbed the bottle and took a swig.

"It's disgusting... I love it." I said and handed it to Monty who gulped down a lot.

"Hey let me get a swig." Jasper said looking healthy and alive. He sat up and reached for the bottle.

"Lets get you started on the light stuff." Finn said and handed him a water canteen. He chugged the whole thing and smiled.

"I have so much energy, Did I really get speared or was that a dream." He asked and we all looked at each other.

"You disappeared into the woods, do you remember what happened." I asked as he smiled.

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