Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Clarke's POV

I woke up in the arms of Bellamy. I smiled to myself as I slowly sat up. I wondered about last night, I had forgotten what exactly happened after we kissed.

I looked down and saw I had some missing clothes, then I saw the now dry clothes hanging on a chair and breathed out in relief.

But that didn't mean nothing happened for all I know we did h e sex.

I was only wearing a blanket around myself, no bra just underwear. Then I heard a grumble and realize Bellamy was waking up.

There was no question about how I felt about Bellamy , but the decisions I make that effect me. I don't want to run around doing foolish stuff especially this, but this was only because of our situation.

"Morning."I said and smiled at Bellamy who opened his eyes and wrapped his arms around me.

He hugged me close and kissed the top of my head.

"Morning Princess."He said. His body had been so warm I just wanted to melt.

"I-I uh"I stuttered trying to get out a question.

"Don't worry, Nothing else happened last night. We got all the time we need ... no rush." he said.

Even though it had been a little untrue, we had been going to battle in like 2 weeks or less.

Maybe, we could win this or get out of it, our future is a "roll the dice" at this moment. We sat up on the couch ; me sitting on his lap comfortably. I leaned in and kissed his cheek gently.

Our heads were pressed together for a good 1 Minute.

"We should head back to camp their probably worried about us. Our clothes are probably dry now."Bellamy said ruffling his hair a we both got up. one thing he did that made me blush was his hand resting on my back leading me across the room.

He turned around as I put my bra on. I struggle a lot with my shirt so I left it hanging for the moment as I put my pants on. It felt uncomfortable putting these pants on I found in the drawer here. It wasn't the fact that they weren't mine, it was my healing gash on my lower thigh.

I turned around to Bellamy who did the same thing. He had all of his clothes on now. He laughed a bit as he saw I had no shirt on.

"Bellamy! not funny." I said turning around blushing.

"Come on Clarke it's fine."he said wrapping his arms around me from behind holding each of my hands.

"Here I'll help you." he said kindly. After he helped me put my shirt on we ventured outside.

Bellamy's POV

As we left the bunker we walked through the forest with our hands linked together not letting go.

We had managed to go the right way and finally came across the gate we built.

"IT'S BELLAMY AND CLARKE OPEN THE GATES!"Miller shouted at someone. Clarke quickly let go of my hand nervously, she looked anxious about coming back.

"You guys are finally back what happened?!"Octavia shouted after the gates opened.

"Well for starters Clarke ran out of camp into the woods, so I managed to chase after her and take shelter in a nearby bunker." I said to her walking into camp with Clarke right behind me.

Everyone's eyes were on us as we came back in camp. Maybe it would be best to keep me and Clarke a secret from then.

"Oh my gosh Clarke, Are you okay I mean after that accident with the 'tree'."Octavia asked Clarke worriedly.

"Yeah ...Ummm don't worry I'm healing quite fine."She reassured her.

"Well after the walk you two had you should get some rest, I bet it was impossible to sleep through that storm."Octavia said.

"Uh, I think the camp needs us more, we can help with-"Clarke said quietly.

"We got it under control, Our leaders need rest." Octavia said.

I laughed at her use of 'leaders', and gave her a hug.

"Thankyou for keeping camp under control."I said to her.

"No problem big brother."She said and patted my arm.

She soon walked away, and then I looked at Clarke.

"I don't think your tent is big enough for you any more, I think your gonna have to stay in mine for now."I said to Clarke a I grabbed her shoulders and brought her to my tent.

"Bellamy what if someone sees."Clarke said with a whineyness to her voice.

"Then nothing will happen. I don't care if they find out. But one thing everyone has to get straight is that your mine."I said to her with my arms around her waist.

"There are no rule here bell-"she said with a smug grin on her face.

"Well lets make some... rule number 1 your mine."I said and put a hand cupping her cheek.

"Rule number 2 your -"she said but I cut her off with a deep kiss that made her blush. That was one thing I loved about her, her pale cheeks getting bright red (blushing)when I am around her.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her across my huge tent to my makeshift cot. I had one hand holding her waist and one holding her cheek as we kissed.

She gripped my hair as I kissed her neck and ear. She giggled a bit when I kissed her shoulder, now I knew were she was ticklish.

I stopped and smiled looking at her. She looked at me knowing my next move.

"Bellamy don't even think about it ,I am very ti-"She said right as I began to tickle her and my tent filled with her laugh. Clarke's laugh was contagious; She snorted a bit and then it was followed by a deep inhale.

I began to laugh uncontrollably as I tickled her. We both laughed together.

"Stop Bellamy I can't breathe."She barely got out as she laughed.

She tickled my side and I spasmed a bit and laughed.

"I found your weakness."She said and rolled on top of me tickling me.

Then we were interrupted by someone coming in.


"Umm sorry I should have knocked or something."Jasper said as he walked out.

"Shit."I said.

"It couldn't of looked that bad. We should just tell him , he can keep a secret." Clarke said.

"Yeah maybe later after he shows up in the camp."I said.

"Yeah. what now."She said.

Okay so I know I haven't updated in the longest time but I hope you enjoy. I have finally got out of my writers slumber.

Please comment and vote!

There will be more soon ENJOY

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