Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Bellamy's POV

I began to run into the woods trying to find them, Murphy had gathered a small group that was hunting her down.

I saw a small figure running through the woods and was about to run into Murphy's group. I grabbed her and covered her mouth an hid behind a tree.

"Ah" I heard her scream and I gripped her tighter.

"It's me Bellamy." I said and turned her to me.

"Let me go , I can't go on-" she said as I heard Murphy's groups getting closer.

"IM RIGHT HERE , HELP ME , AH-" She screamed but I picked her up and ran through the woods.

"SHit!" I said as I came to a stop at a dead end cliff.

"There she is !!" Murphy yelled as he walked toward her.

"Back away now" I yelled at him but he didn't listen. Then I heard someone run from behind.

It was Clarke alone, She ran to Charlotte.

"II'm glad you could join the party , Oh look at the princess so brave." He said and grabbed her and held a knife to her throat.

"This is all your fault Clarke , I hope you never forget the mess you cause the life that died because of a stupid princess." He yelled and the knife was held harder against her throat.

"Stop it." Charlotte shouted as she backed up.

"You can take me!" She shouted. He let go of Clarke and she ran to us.

"I'm sorry! Theres no point in going on if there nothing to live for."Charlotte said and jumped off the edge.

"Nooo!" Clarke screamed as she hovered over the cliff crying.

I saw Charlotte plummet to her death. And now Murphy was a dead man. I tackled him and started throwing punches. But then Clarke pushed me back. This had been her fault.

"Haven't you done enough. This is all on you princess." I yelled at Clarke.

"We don't have the right to decide who lives or dies here-" she said but I cut her off. "so help me god, If you say the people have the right to decided, I will-" I yelled at her but she interrupted me before I could finish. "No,No , I was wrong before, Okay, you were right!" she yelled while waving her hands around.

"What do you suppose we do , I don't even think their gonna find us, This is suppose to be a month trip , after a month they'll probably start to worry." I said to her and she looked down at Murphy.

"We survive, Thats what we do!" She said and stood up.

"And what do you propose we do with Murphy?" I asked while I glared at him.

"We banish him, he can find his own way home , were not saving him that's for sure." She said and walked away.

"If you even think about coming back! remember me and what I can do to you." I threaten him and walked away.

Clarke's POV

I walked to a empty part of the woods and cried to myself.

"Why do I keep getting people killed, I don't want to loose anybody anymore. WHY!" I screamed as I struck a tree. My hand began to bleed, but I struck the tree again liking the pain I felt.

"WHY!!"I screamed as I heard someone behind me, I threw my fist at them and the caught it with their hand.

"Whoah." They said but I continued to punch the tree.

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