Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Clarke's POV

Soon after I woke up I began to make my way to Bellamy's tent. I had made a new back pack from the plane and put one strap over my shoulder.

I opened the tent just as Bellamy did causing us to collide. He grabbed each of my arms and move me back wards.

Then he moved me to the side and walked away. I rolled my eyes ;annoyed with his attitude. I followed behind him and tugged him towards me.

"Ready to go." I said and gave him a rude smile.

"As always princess," he said and rolled his eyes at me as he got Murphy and Finn and wells.

"Where we going?!" Finn asked me and I gave him a deathly glare.

"To find Jasper." I said an continued on with him.

"Why it's a dangerous idea and stupid, we don't know what's out there." Finn said as I came to a stop.

"First of all It's Jasper , secondly it's not stupid when its a living person, my friend our friend , One of the 100" I shouted and came to a stop at the river.

The river was at its lowest point so we decided to walk across.

When we reached the other side we started to walk threw.

"Wait there's two trails, were gonna split up." Finn said and tugged at me. I shrugged him off and back up.

"You , and Wells. Me, Bellamy and Murphy." I said not caring about who's with me just getting jasper back.

"What -" he and Wells said but I walked away ignoring there disagreement.

As we walked through the forest Bellamy stopped me.

"Wait , you see that!" He said as he ran ahead. I quickly followed him and saw that Jasper was tied to a tree with a huge gash in the middle of his stomach. I knew I could save him, Well that's what I wanted to think.

"JASPER!!" I screamed as I ran to him. Then the ground collapsed from beneath e me and I began to fall into a pit.

At the last second I reached for someone's hand. I looked up and saw Bellamy staring into my eyes.

"Bellamy lift me up." I yelled at him as I looked down. The pit was full of spears and rust bear traps.

His Big hand gripped my wrist tightly and my other hand dangled. I held out my other hand slowly and he grabbed it.

"Ah" I yelled as his grip began to slip and he froze.

"HELP!!" I screamed and He finally grabbed my waist and pulled me up. I felt my heart racing, Lungs burning , I almost died.

I was laying on his chest now , my head buried in his shirt.

"I got you Clarke." he said snottily and lifted me up to stand. He didn't use the nickname which sometimes meant he wanted me to feel hurt.

"What the fuck is your Problem, I almost died." I yelled at him as I gave him a shove.

"I freaked out okay, I wasn't actually gonna let go." he yelled at me as Finn and Murphy cut down Jasper.

"You alright, Did he do anything to you?" wells asked and rubbed my back slightly.

"Beside save my life by accident, nothing, now get out of my way." I yelled at him and ran to jasper.

"I meant to save you princess ." I heard Bellamy mumble so no one heard him , but I did. My heart began to throb and my mind completely shut down for a few seconds.

Arkadia Falls High School (EDITING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin