Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Octavia's POV

"O-C-T-A-V-I-A!" my quad cheered as we strut down the hallway.

"See yah at practice Kay!" I said and slowly walked away.

"Kay!" the said as I walked away. My eyes wondered toward the lockers as I spotted Bellamy and Nicole making out. I wish he could find a real girl not her, but this was AFHS you had to put on your fake smile and pretend to be friends , in order to be popular.

"Eheh!" I cleared my throat and their lips quickly separated. Nicole quickly opened her locker and took out her phone and purse, and Bellamy raised a brow at me.

"You two love birds done?!" I said and let out a giggle that made Bellamy smile.

I combed my bangs with my fingers and just tapped my foot.

"I'll see you t lunch babe!" Bellamy said to Nicole and kissed her lips quick. Then he walked with me slowly down the hall.

I hate to admit it but I kinda didn't like Nicole , she was a two-Faced bitch. And Bellamy was her ticket to popularity and she used or should I say is using him.

"What's up O!" he said as we slowly walked.

"Well I was thinking since mom is leaving tomorrow for a Fashion interview , we should have a party." I said and came to a stop.

"I don't know O!" he said and looked at me and pondered.

"Come one Bell, I need this please!!" I begged him ad whined. He just looked at me with his I'm-gonna-win-this-argument-stare down.

"P-p-Pleassseee!" I whined and gave him the puppy dog eyes. We stood there for a second (5 Minutes) and he just sighed. I knew that was a yes an I just started smiling uncontrollably.

"Finnneee!" he said and exhaled exaggeratedly.

"Just stop looking at me with those eyes!" he whined as he held out a hand blocking the view of my eyes from him.

"YEAH!! I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH!!" I practically Screamed and jumped up and down. I gave him a huge hug an quickly walked away.

"PARTY AT MY HOUSE TOMORROW NIGHT!!! THE BLAKES ARE BACK BITCHES!!!" I screamed loudly as I texted everyone on my phone.

'Bam!!' I bumped into some nerd (okay she had potential) and dropped my phone.

"Watch it!!" I said and picked my Sims Card up.

"I-I" she stuttered and she picked up her things.

"Here!" she said and handed me my phone.

"Thanks!" I said nicely and took my phone , okay maybe I snatched it.

"No problem!" she said and gently smiled.

'DING' The bell for lunch rang finally.

Clarke's POV

After crashing into yet another Blake I hurried to lunch.

I packed lunch myself and headed for a table and put my bags down, and sighed.

I sat down and looked up to see kids leaving the table since I had come.


I neatly placed my Tupperware containers on the table. My school routine was very repetitive, and hardly ever broken.

I opened my container of grapes and strawberries and started eating them.

Then I took out my salad with herbs and vegetables from our garden (me and my moms).

Then my thermos of new tea I just bought. I poured a cup of the Red seaweed/berry tea, they say its suppose to heal, so they say.

I was almost finished eating when a well-manicured hand snatched a strawberry.

"Mmmm!"Nicole said as I saw her eat it slowly while the boys behind her gawked.

'Um your welcome?' I thought confused.

"Your in MY seat!"she said and gave me a sassy smile.

"I didn't know you bought this, I'll just scoot over." I said nervously and seriously as I arranged my stuff to the seat over.

"Is she serious?!" she asked one of her Boy toys behind her and rolled her eyes.

She place a hand on the back of my chair and hovered over me.

"Sweetie, the whole tables mine!" she whispered loudly and knocked my stuff onto the ground.

"Oops" she said fakily ;clearly not caring a single bit as I picked my stuff up.

Before I knew it the whole table was filled with jocks, cheerleaders, and the girls like Nicole, except for two empty seats.

I went to the seat next to Nicole and sat down quickly , putting my stuff away in my satchel.

"That spots TAKEN!!" She yelled as a shadow cast over me.

"Aww come on Nicky be a little nicer to the Princess." Bellamy said and smirked.

Obviously he was being sarcastic but I didn't know that.

So I remained sitting and plugged my head phones in my ears, and took out a book called '1984'.

I was listening to Classical music Wells had downloaded for me. I had loved Chopin , And Bach , and especially Schubert. Every month he gave me a mixed CD and downloaded it onto my Nano iPod.

Now to let's start reading,

'BiG brother watching you.' The page said as I started to get into my reading zone.

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