Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Clarke's POV

I haven't been answering Finns calls, and now it was already Friday. For the dirt time I sat down for breakfast with my mom and actually enjoyed it. After wells losing his Mother she has been a little depressed lately.

I've been trying to get a hold of wells but his father keeps saying he needs time and my mom keeps saying the same thing.

"Clarke you can take the car today, I love you." My father said and rubbed my head messing my hair up and gave me a kiss on the head.

"I love you too." I said and walked outside and started the car. After putting the keys in the ignition I began to pull up into the parking lot and get a spot.

I put my hair into a ponytail quickly and left the car. I asked the counselor if I could skip my first two period classes and lunch.

"Of course sweetie , but you need someone to accompany you while you goto study hall." she said and I nodded. maybe Jasper or Monty.

"Oh um can you goto study hall with me." I asked them as they stopped my the door way.

"Sure." they said as we walked to the library.

"Thanks for coming." I said and they nodded. We had entered the library and split up to grab books and magazine to read at the computers.

Jasper was reading chemistry for Dummies book and (other books), while Monty read Books on plants and which one are edible.

I just sat down at the computer and started reading anatomy books and sci-Fi ones too.

After about 2 or 3 hours Monty hovered over me and tapped me.

"Hey did you bring lunch today?" he asked and I looked at him ten at my watch. I pointed to my satchel and nodded.

"Cool, you don't mind if we go to get lunch and meet you at next period class do you?!" Monty said and closed his book and snuck it into his bag.

"Yeah I don't mind." I said and shooed them away. I went to the back side of the library that was vacant. so I sat on the cushy couch and began to eat.

After eating Salad and tea I started to lay down an read Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

"Peace and quiet at last." I mumbled to myself as I began to feel sleepy.

"Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;

Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished;" I said to myself.

"For never was a story of more woe

Than this of Juliet and her Ro-." I began to fall asleep. I fell into a slumber with the book wrapped in my arms.

Bellamy's POV

"Octavia your staying home again got it, I don't want any if and or buts about it. Let me see your phone." I said to Octavia as she pouted and crossed her arms.

She was still running a high fever and puked here and there. I took her phone and blocked Nicole's number on her phone and gave it back.

"What did you do bell?!" She asked me and I just gave her a look.

"Nothing." I said and rubbed her head and left for school. I was at a stop light when I turned my head and saw Raven driving a old but classic Volts wagon beetle. (Get it old Drop-ship).

"See yah got shot" she said and hit the gas. I heard someone beep at me, and I realized it was a green light.

I quickly drive to school and run inside.

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