Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Bellamy's POV

I hadn't seen Clarke at school yesterday, I was hoping not to see her again kind of.

Murphy hasn't come to school yesterday either so I assume she did.

"Hey Octavia!" I yelled as she came down the stairs.

"Where's mom been?!" I asked her as a frown crept on her face.

"I don't know she called and said She'd be staying at hotel for a few days longer." She said and I sighed.

"Whatever!" I said and drove us to school.

I drove us to school and saw a familiar face getting dropped off.

She carefully got out and started walking to the entrance. I contemplated wether to stop to talk to her or not.

I just followed her inside and went to math class.

The teacher was being as douchey as usual to Clarke, I just rolled my eyes every time he tried to pick on her.

"MsGriffin what happened to your face?!" he asked her as if he was concerned. I heard murmurs go around the class.

"Uh I fell down the stairs." she said with her head down. Then the laughing stared around the class.

"Okay then!" he said and raised his brow.

Then I heard the door opens and slam shut.

"Mr.Murphy glad you could join us."He said as I saw Murphy come in.

He smiled as he took a seat behind Clarke.

I instantly looked at Clarke, she never told him off , he lied.

I saw Murphy put something in her backpack as the bell rang. I felt the need to stay back as she gathered her things.

SHe dropped her book and sighed.

I picked it up as she went to and we ended up banging heads.

"Ow!" she said and rubbed her head. I picked up her book and handed it to her.

She got up and brushed herself off.

"You need to tell on him, you can't keep Lying !" I said and looked at her.

"I can't tell, you don't understand , if I tell I'm gonna get in an augment with my mother, then Murphy's probably gonna get his revenge , and I will never forgive myself." she yelled at me as she Slowly walked away.

I grabbed her hand and looked at her for a moment.

"If you don't I will." I said and walked away. I was heading for the counselor when Clarke decided to try and stop me.

She grabbed my arm tugging me back but I was stronger than her so I just ended up dragging her. Then she jumped onto my back (like a piggyback ride) and she tried hitting me.

I just grabbed her legs and took her with me.

"No Bellamy. I can't go in there alone, I can't tell her by myself."She said as I heard a cry of frustration.

"I'll go in with you and help explain what happened, okay!" I said and put her down in the office and sat down.

"Ms.Griffin , Mr.Blake what are you doing here?"Ms.Larson asked us. We looked at each other then at her.

"Umm you know what I just remembered I have a thi-"Clarke said trying to go but I stood up and nodded my head.

"It was Murphy."She said and sniffled a little.

Arkadia Falls High School (EDITING)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt