Chapter 46

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Just wanted to give a shoutout to @AlexandraP1864 for her fabulous suggestions. Thx so much I am dedicating this chapter to you @AlexandraP1864 .

Chapter 46

Clarke's POV

"I love you..."Someone echoed in my dream. I soon opened my eyes and the the sun was shining through the window.

This is when I realized me and Bellamy were wrapped up in each others arms. I smiled to myself and observed his ha some features. From up close you could count all his tiny little freckles and his jaw line was so defined.

Soon his eyes fluttered open and my cheeks grew bright red.

"Good morning!" I said awkwardly.

"Morning to you too princess... have a good dream?" He asked me with a smirk.

"Actually I did kinda... " I said as I sat up and started to get out of bed. I found myself falling off the bed along with Bellamy. I immediately felt bad for falling on top of him.

"I'm so sorry!"I said sincerely.

"It's ok."He chuckled. I started to stare into his eyes. he stared into mine and soon our faces were just an inch apart. Right as I was about to Kiss "Bellamy Blake" someone barged in.

"Ummm... it's not what it looks like."I said and quickly stood up and helped Bellamy up.

" seems to me Bellamy slept on the ground and you rolled off the bed onto him... am I righ?" Octavia rumbled out.

"Ummm... yeah that's what happened."I lied.

****a few hours later****

I wandered around camp with my bag looking for Octavia's tent. I finally came across the tent and walked in.

"Hey!!..."I said to Octavia

"Oh Hi...ummm."She said and started to look worried.

"What's wrong?"I asked.

"Oh nothing it's just ... never mind."She said.

"You know you can tell me anything."I said as I made eye contact with her.

"I am in a conflicting situation... I like Jasper and I like Lincoln."She said.

"Well... this is one of those things you have to go through... let fate decide. So just be chill and see who is attracted to you more."I said and smiled.

"So... what about you... Anyone you find interesting."She asked as I blushed.

"No"I lied.

"You sure?!"She asked.

"YES!!"I said.

"Ok whatever you say."She said.

"Hey... there planning a bonfire tonight ... are you gonna go to it ... it's right near the lake."She asked.

"Maybe...."I said and looked down.

Bellamy's POV

After some hours of hiking I finally returned to camp with Miller. We looked around and it seemed like everyone was gone. I wandered where they went.

We walked to Octavia's tent and found Clarke reading and Octavia looking through a magazine.

"Hey, where is everybody?" miller asked.

"Setting up the Bonfire for tonight. It's like a half mile walk."Octavia said and she flipped the page of her magazine.

"Sounds fun."Miller said.

"Yeah..."I said in monotone.

"Bye guys." I said and left the tent with miller.

"I'm gonna go to that bonfire before it start... you coming?" He asked.

"Nah man... I think I will just stay here."I said because I assumed Clarke wouldn't want to go either and I wanted to talk to her personally.

"Bye!"He said and turned around and walked.

It was soon late evening and pretty soon the sun will set. I made my way back to the tent only to find Clarke there.

"Where's Octavia?!" I asked worriedly.

"Bonfire."She said as she read.

"Oh... ok."I said awkwardly.

"So whatcha reading?" I asked.

"Just Reading Macbeth."She said as she looked up at me. Clarke soon sat up and sat on a plastic box (seat).

I sat right next to her and an awkward silence filled the air.

"Clarke... I need to tell you something."I said.

"What?" She said nervously as she fiddled with her hands.

"I-I like you!!"I thought but the words didn't come out.

I got nervous and just said "You wanna go to the bonfire with me?"

"I don't know ... "She said.

"Sure"She replied.

We both began to walk out of the tent and headed towards the bonfire. As we walked our hands touched. It took me like 5 minutes to realize we were holding hands.

Out of no where my heart bested fast and I was getting nervous and she too. Is topped walking and pulled her towards me.

"Clarke?"I said as I held both her hands.

"What's?" She asked.

"I like you a lot." I said bravely. she looked at me with a smile and her cheeks became a rose color.

"I like you too."She said.

I cupped her face and our lips inched closer and closer. Our lips were about to touch but someone came along and coughed. It was Finn walking by, he seemed a little angry but not to angry.

We arrived at the bonfire and Took a seat on a log. The night sky was beautiful but not as beautiful as Clarke. The stars couldn't be compared to how Clarke's eyes sparkled. I noticed she began to shiver because it was chilly

"Here you go guys."Someone said and put a blanket over me and Clarke. I made the decision to wrap my arm around her and sit closer. She scooted right up against me and laid her head on my shoulder.

"Princess?"I said.

"Ye-"She said as I kissed her gently on the lips. Soon she kissed back and we were basically making out.

"Ehhh emmmm"Someone said and we awkwardly stopped kissing to see who it was.

It was our lame teacher who began tapping his foot.

"NO PDA!!!"He yelled as he walked away.

Clarke began laughing so hard a tear ran down her eyes. Seeing her smile made me so happy.

Clarke laughing came to an end as she got really tired. She rested her head on my shoulder and before I knew it she was asleep.

"I love you " I thought to myself.

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