Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Bellamy's POV

Everything went black and my mind went blank. Then it was as if I just woke up , my throat was mucusy with blood and I felt like I had a slight hangover from the virus.

As I opened my eyes I saw a district shadow making its way to me. It was Murphy , with a clothe and water.

"Get the hell away from me!" I said as my nose began to bleed. I just ignored him and wiped the blood away.

"Bellamy your sick I -" he said but knocked the water from him. But the cup only spilt out some water as it remained in his hand.

"I got this one." A depressed voice said and took the clothe and water cup.

"Thanks."I said when Clarke took a seat close to me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her with a roughness in my voice as I took a sip of water.

"Better." She said sounding unhappy as she looked up into my eyes. Her face still had dried tears of blood going down her cheek and some moist blood just below her eyes; around her eyes were dark red bruising as if she had two black eyes.

"That's really good." I said to her and tucked a stray piece of her hair out of her face, it kinda wondered why she tried to hide herself sometimes.

"We need to get everyone inside." I said as I peeped up.

"Wait what? why?" She asked me as she sprang up on to her feet tiredly.

" I asked jasper to take the shot to blow up the bomb on the bridge." I said as I stopped in the door way of the plane.

"So." She said just waiting for me to explain.

" do you really think he'll make the shot?!" I asked her with a slightly raised voice that made her jump a bit.

"NO" she said and started walking out side with me.

"That's what I thought."I mumbled to myself.

Just then a huge boom went off shaking the earth a little , followed by a huge cloud of spoke.

"He did it." Me and Clarke said at the same time. She looked shocked and in disbelief.

We stood there looking at the sky for a moment.

" I am become Death, Destroyer of worlds."she said and softly smiled.

I turned my head and looked down at her as she looked at the sky, it took her a minute to notice I was looking at her. It was the best quote for this situation , quoted by -

"It's Oppenheimer... He built the first-" she said interrupting my thought.

"I know who Oppenheimer is." I said and smiled. I gazed at the sky and put of the corner of my eye I could see her looking at me with a surprised smile.

Julius Robert Oppenheimer famous theatrical Physicist , who made the first bomb in World War II. Her words played in repeat in my head as I stared at the sky.

Then after we took care of every one two familiar boys walked through the gates with smart ass smiles.

It was Jasper and Monty with guns hanging from their backs and the whole camp cheered them on. After all they did save this camps ass.

Clarke's POV

After Monty and Jasper came back to camp and got cheered on it fell to a late evening. I was wondering where Raven and Finn where.

"Hey have you seen Finn and Raven?" I managed to asked Jasper.

"shit! Finns still at the bridge with Raven." He said and I just stood still.

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