Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Bellamy's POV

As we walked the air became more cold. I glanced over at Clarke who was shivering.

"Want my jacket?" I asked but she shook her head.

"No Im good."She responded.

"Your shaking." I said.

"So,I can handle a little cold. Bellamy."She said with an irritated look.

"We need to get somewhere now, were soaked and I don't want you to get hypothermia." I said as I approached what seemed to be a square tile hidden under a tree.

"What's that?"I asked looking at her then the square again.

"Another bunker... How nice." Clarke said and opened it up gesturing me to go down first.

I climbed down the metal ladder that brought me into a pitch black room under ground. Then Clarke was struggling to make her way down ladder.

"There you go." I said as I grabbed her waist and set her down next to me.

"Ummm...Thanks I think, I could of gotten down myself though."she said stubbornly.

I reached out on a table and grabbed a box of matches. I lit one up and looked around.

"Here!" Clarke said and handed me one of many candles that were spread through out the room.

I lit the many candles and put the box on a table. There was two shelfs, a big old couch, a small uncomfortable looking bed, and a table and a desk.

I looked around for spare clothes but only managed to find a couple of blankets. I placed two of them on the couch and bed, and handed the other to Clarke.

She took the towel and dried her pale pace, but it didn't help that she was still soaked. I took my shirt off and hung it over the chair as I dried my head off. Clarke seem to turn a new shade of violet as I took my shirt off.

"Clarke your turning a little purple , you need to get out of your cold wet clothes." I told her as she shook her head in disagreement.

"Fine freeze to death."I said and smiled at her.

"Shut up."She said playfully with a serious face. She began to set her towel down and shook like she had massive tremors.

I took my socks and shoes off, and then my pants. Now I was in a long pair of boxers. Clarke staring a tiny bit so I just stared back at her till she noticed. I sat on the couch and laid down ever so comfortably.

Note: I am sorry I say I alot but my writing has been suckish lately. I will try and fix it but any way on with the story.

I watched as Clarke struggle to take her sticky wet clothes off. She shook so much she couldn't even get the button on her pants undone or her shirt too.

Clarke's POV

Taking clothes off really was hard for me seeing how I am a little injured. I probably have hypothermia due to my sticky, cold, wet clothes.

I managed to get my pants off but that was it because my energy was wasted away.

I looked at Bellamy who looked very comfortable and poked his rock hard stomach.

"What is it?"He said opening one eye. I noticed he had his hand gripped to my wrist very gently as if I might brake.

"**yawn**ed help with my clothes I said tiredly. I wanted to pass out right there but I couldn't.

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