Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Bellamy's POV

I walked into the plane and saw Murphy sitting on the ground , beaten up and bloody. I slowly walked towards them and came to a stop.

"He claims he was with the grounders." Miller said as he kept his distance.

"We caught him trying to sneak back into camp." Connor said and Murphy immediately corrected him.

"I wasn't sneaking... I was running from the grounders." He said With a painful face. I didn't believe any of this I was pissed off at him.

"Anyone see grounders?" I asked as they (Connor , Miller, Jones, Derek) all shook their heads 'no'. Clarke just made faces as I continued on , She and Finn stayed back.

"Well in that case!" I said and grabbed my gun , ready to kill him. I felt someone shove me away. Wait what was I thinking I couldn't kill someone , snap out of it.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Finn yelled at me. I rolled my eyes and turned to him to shut him up.

"We we're clear what would happen to him if he came back to camp. He tried to kill-." I yelled. Finn turned me to face him and gave me a small shove.

"No , what if he 'was' with the grounders? Then he knows things that can help us." he said and I let out a long exhale. I had no feelings towards Murphy, he was dead to me.

"Help Us?! We hanged him, we banished him, and now we're gonna kill him."I yelled as I held my gun up pointing towards Murphy; who flinched.

Then Finn stays in my way , making it impossible for me to shoot Murphy.

"Get the hell out of my way!" I yelled at him and pushed him; he pushed me back.

Then Clarke push me out of her way, so I couldn't do anything.

"No. Finn is right!" Clarke said and walked in front of me kneeling down close to Murphy; I rolled my eyes and sighed. At this point I was irritated by all this crap, I just wanted to end his life.

"Like hell we are ,Clarke , Think about Charlotte." I yelled at Clarke as she ignored my hostility.

"I am think about Charlotte ; But what happened to her was as much our fault as his." She said and started to examine and clean Murphy. I lowered my gun and put the strap on over me so It hanged on my back.

"He's not lying , his fingernails are torn off, they tortured him." Clarke said. I had put killing Murphy on the back burner, part of me still wanted him around, and the other wanted him dead.

"You and the Grounders should compare notes." Finn told me as he looked into my eyes then at Clarke and Murphy.

"The grounders know we're at war." I told him and turned around to face Murphy.

"What did you tell them about us?!" I asked him, a painful silence filled the drop ship as we waited for his answer.

"Everything." He said , and we all exchange looks. Clarke stopped still and looked up into Murphy's eyes.

"Once he's better we can find out why he knows, and then he's out of here , OK?" Clarke said and looked up at me and stood up ready to leave. She slowly made her way outside.

"What if he refuses to leave? what do we do with him then?" I asked and she stopped at the curtains used for a door.

"Then we leave him to die." she said in monotone and left me and the others in the plane with Murphy.

Clarke's POV

I left the plane and began to walk around camp aimlessly; not knowing what to do. I felt a little drowsy and dizzy , but I ignored that and walked into a tent.

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