Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Clarke's POV

I had to make a decision, leave to the grounders to get a cure or let this epidemic sink in and see if it goes away.

"Hey! Octavia, I need your help with the people who get sick and who aren't yet."I told her.

"Okay I go help Raven an-"She said but I cut her off.

"No you gather everyone who isn't sick and help them. I and going to take care of all the people who do get sick."I said.

"Clarke! Is this worse than that virus?!"She asked with a scared look.

"I don't know!"I said and turned around.

"Clarke wait ... what if you get sick ... what then?"She asked.

"You , you stay away along with everyone , I will figure it out." I said and continued on.

I walked into the plane and saw Bellamy sleeping on the cushions.

He looked so innocent at the same time so sick. His face was paler than usual and he looked uncomfortable.

I lifted his head and rested it on my lap.

"Clarkeeee my head hurts so much."He groaned painfully.

I helped Bellamy sit up slowly and placed my hand on his forehead. His hand held it there over mine.

"I can't take it." He said as tears of pain came down his cheeks.

"Just breathe Bellamy. I need you to fight, I'm gonna go get something to help." I told him and kissed his forehead.

I walked over to Raven who was in the same condition maybe even worse.

"Ahhhh."she screamed out clenching her fists.

She grabbed my wrist and held it so tight I almost screamed in pain. Her nails dig into my skin, and her pupils were all black.

"What the hell?" I said and tried breaking free from her grip but I couldn't.

"Make ... IT ... STOOPPPP!!" she creamed almost deafening. She drew blood from me and it dropped down my wrist.

"Ahhh. Let goo!!" I screamed.

Tears threatened to run down my face as the pain got worse. Her eyes didn't belong to her , this wasn't Raven.

She just had an outburst and jumped on top of me like a wild person. She had this strength that couldn't compare to mine.

She started to swing and scratch at my face and arms. I tried to block them but she was way to strong.

"Ahhh YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!! WHY DID YOU HURT ME."She screamed.

I looked at her with a confused expression. She was completely insane right now.


"Shut up."She said and slapped me leaving 4 cuts from her nails on my face.

I looked around for something anything to help. I spotted the knife that stabbed Finn.

I smiled weakly and looked right at her.

"Who's that?!"I said and pointed behind her. She fell for it and turned around.

I sprawled for the knife and had it in my grasp.

"Hahah"She laughed. Where was she ,she disappeared. I spun around looking for her. Then I was tackled to the ground out of no where by her.

"Raven!! I know your in there."I yelled.

She didn't say anything she just took the knife and looked at my arm.

She smiled and began to glide the blade from my wrist to my elbow. Then she continued on and held it to my neck.

"Hahaha."She laughed in my face and raised the knife.

She grabbed my hair and slammed my head against the floor.

The sound of something being cut filled the air. I saw Blonde hair was all over the floor.

Now she was gonna kill me. She raised it up and then swung her hand down towards me about to stab me.

I closed my eyes waiting for pain but there wasn't. I opened one eye and saw Bellamy holding Ravens hand. In about two seconds the knife stabbed her in the leg. She immediately passed out onto the ground looking dead.

Why wasn't he acting like her? Aren't They are both sick?

"Bellamy!" I cried out. He looked like he was a little but better , almost ridden of the fever.

He had no expression on his face. Only his eyes showed his anger. He scooped me up , without a word and sat me on the seats.

He ripped off my sleeve and wrapped it around my arm.

I flinched thinking something bad would happen but nothing did. He looked at me with a shamed look , hurt.

He walked me out until I was in Octavia's tent. Then he left somewhere , and I haven't the clue where.

To be continued....

Part 2 of this chapter might be updated tonight.

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