Civil war

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Authors note:
An ending for civil war. I read a comic where Steve gets shot so here's a story off of that.
Steve was on his way to court. He was done with the blood shed, so he turned himself in for disciplinary actions.


Officers escorted Steve up the steps and towards the building where the trial would be held, but for Steve, there would be no trial. Little did everyone know he was in the scopes of a sniper.

In 3 seconds Steve got out of the car. In 2 seconds he was half way up the steps, and in one second, all that could be heard was the sound of a gun shot.

Steve was on the ground in a matter of moment. There was no time to get him to a hospital, he was losing blood to quickly. Tony quickly ran to Steve's side when he saw Steve wasn't getting up, "hang in there," there was fear in Steve's eyes, "Just hang in there." Steve smiled up at his friend, "there's no need to comfort me."

Tears fell from Tony's eyes as he pulled Steve in close, "i..." Steve took Tony's hand, "I chose to believe in people, and I believe in you, Iron Man," Steve turned his head and started to cough up blood, "we've been through a lot, and I want you to know, "tears fell from Steve's eyes as he said his final words, "I wouldn't regret a thing."

Tony watched the lights leave Steve's eyes. America's hero was dead, and it was all his fault. Tony pulled Steve in closer and heals his lifeless body, "life reminds me that were all human, that we all die, but," tear fell faster from Tony's face, "why did you have to go first?"

The others who stood and watched the horrific scene laid their heads down to pay respects to a fallen hero.

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