stony: forever and always

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Love comes in all forms. It doesn't mater what the other person looks like, if you love them then it's love. That's what my parents tell me, but you see they weren't always my parents. They adopted me a long time ago.

Before then, before they were married they got called to a near by inhabited planet in a near by binary star system. My birth parents sent out a distress call and the avengers answered it. Unfortunately the avengers were to late. The kingdom I grew up in was falling apart. The people who lived on the planet doomed to die from an invasion of our near by sister planet and my father wounded as he carried me to safety. My father was barely conscious when tony found him. He gave me to Tony and with his last breath he said, "protect her. She is our future," and that's how I ended up on earth. 

You see, back then the avengers consisted of ironman, wasp, Ant-man, the hulk, hawkeye and occasionally black widow from the side lines. She was an undercover agent from shield and could stand as a public figure like the others. It would put her life in harms way and that is something we needed to avoid.


March 2017


Orbital location unknown


I was rescued from a dying planet and brought to earth to live my life. I grew faster than the humans, i learned far greater things that most earthlings, but the one thing i never got to do was actually set foot on the planet i've been watching since i was a child. I've grown up on S.W.O.R.D for the past 17 years and i want out. The doctors and scientist say they are running tests to make sure i can't get hurt or get sick. Truth is they're trying to determine if this new world and sun will give me powers. They have and i have not said anything. I just want to be normal and have friends. I don't want Black Widow training to join her super spy girl band or what not. I want to be a hero like the people who saved me.

For the past 17 years i've waited for someone to say, "guess what Mira... You can go to Earth," and i guess i will just have to wait some more. My seventeenth birthday is in june and i want more than anything to see the beautiful blue planet below me.

I sat in the training room waiting for my weekly training with Widow. I was expecting a fight and getting my ass handed to me again, but instead I got Director Fury and Tony stark. "hey kiddo," Said tony as he walked over to me with a small box in hand. It was wrapped in a yellow paper with a red ribbon on it. I smiled, "my favorite colors." He motioned for me to open it so I did. What I came to find was a small Badge, "It's a key to the tower." I looked confused, "Thank you Mr. Stark, but I'm not allowed to leave here." I looked down as fury spoke, "You see, for the last 17 years Stark's been fighting with the world security council." I looked up even more confused. Fury continued, "He's been fighting for you." I just about dropped, "I don't understand," I looked at tony. He smiled, "I was going to take you and raise you as my own. Teach you about your family while you grew up as apart of mine. When we got back to Earth the security council ordered for you to be taken from me. The avengers, I fought to keep you," He looked down, "but we lost. Ever since then I have been fighting to adopt you Mira." I felt a tear fall down my face as he looked at me and smiled. The whole time I thought I was just a pet and here I was loved.

"If you want to Mira... You're free to go with him," Said fury. I smiled then ran into Tony's arms with Tears on my face. Fury excused himself and left the room empty for us. When we stopped hugging tony said, "There are going to be rules if you're going to be a stark." I smiled then he continued, "You'll have to go to school. You'll have to make new friends." I smiled at him, "And what if I want to be a superhero like you?" He laughed for a moment then got serious again, "You get good grades then will talk after you turn 18. You're just a kid Mira... I want you to live a normal life as a normal earth child. I know you're going to be smarter than everyone else, so please bare with me. I'm new at being a dad." I hugged him, "Thank you dad." His grip around me tightened, "Now lets go home."

That day changed my life. That day was the day I finally felt normal. It was the day I learned something that would change my life in more ways than one, but I'll tell you that later.


June 25, 2018

Stark Tower


My dad went all out on an 18th birthday. It was also the year anniversary of me getting to go to earth. I know I said I got to go with tony in march, and I did. As soon as I got into the atmosphere I collapsed. In the 17 years of testing no one bothered to test and see how my lungs would react to the increased oxygen on earth. It worked out because I was discharged officially on June 25, 2017 and had no trouble when we set foot on the roof of Stark tower. It was there that I got to meet pepper and to my surprise they weren't married. I heard so much from Natasha about Pepper Potts and my father that I assumed. Boy was I wrong. She laughed and cleared everything up for me that day.

However, this left the question. From my school on shield... well it made it seem that everyone was married so I asked tony who he was married to. He smiled then sat me down, "married? For a long time i thought i would get married to Pepper," he smiled again, "But when we kissed something didn't feel right. I loved, I still love her... Just not in that way." I was really confused, "I don't understand." He laughed a little bit, "I'm sure you've learned history?" I nodded, "all of it." He nodded, "Good. Good. Then you know about captain america... And my father?" I nodded then he continued, "I grew up with my father constantly looking for Captain America... Well I knew at a young age i wasn't normal and one day in college it hit me." I said, "Forgive me, but i don't understand your earthly customs just yet." He laughed again, "I realized that I had fallen in love with a man lost to time... After college I took over the company my father, and his father before him had built... Shortly after that," He stopped so i spoke up, "I know... You don't have to tell me. They let me read the files." He nodded trying not to cry so i got up from my seat and hugged him. He hugged me back and i felt him smile against me. "I came back and stopped weapons manufacturing and went looking. i tried to trace the flights path and ended up with nothing. I thought i could find the man i fell in love with and give him a propper burial. I couldn't even do that." I tightened my grip around him, "We will find him together and i think i have a way of doing so if you have a computer." I let go when i felt him look up, " I do. Follow me."

He took me to his lab where i got introduced to Jarvis. From there I gave Jarvis an algorithm. He ran it, but it was going to take longer than I thought. I could see the wave lengths, but I saw every single one. Jarvis was going to help me sort them all out. So, that is what brings me to today. Today is my 18th birthday. My dad invited over the avengers, Pepper and her husband Happy Hogan, Natasha, and some of the other heroes I have helped out over the last year. I hopped Natasha could make it, but i knew she couldn't because of where she was on her undercover assignment. She did have Director Fury stop by earlier to deliver her gift.

Jarvis spoke,"Sir,  I have finally finished and have the results from the formula Mira gave to me. shall I display them?" I spoke up, "In the lab jarvis," I turned to tony, "this will take me an hour at the most. I can be in and out and if i find him... You best get your medical drones out here incase I do bring something back." He shook his head, "No. It's your birthday." I smiled, "Let me give you a gift this year because you have already given one to me." He grabbed my hand, "Mira, you're body doesn't do well in the cold. what if this leads you out there?" I smiled at him, "I have the suit you built me. Please, dad... I know we said we'd talk about this. Let me try. Let me show you I'm ready to be a hero. Besides, you have a room full of people to come after me. I'll stay incontact the whole time." He nodded, "Be careful Mira."

I never thought that i'd be going to even look for Captain America, let alone bring him back to the tower. When I appeared in the tower everyone came running. Thor came and placed the captain on the couch while the medical drones took over. I got out of the suit and was fine, or at least I thought I was. These memories were racing through my head... When they stopped... Well all I remember before passing out was my father yelling out, "Mira."

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