Stony: Traveling Soldier PT2

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I never believed in reincarnation. I never believed in it what so ever, but one day that all changed. About a week into my first year at college I got tasked to write a report on the Vietnam war. When I went into the schools library I found books of old letters. I found books of pictures, and that's when I found it. The only letter they had saved through the years, and attached photograph that would bring memories back that I never knew I had. I had to sit down they were so over whelming. I was looking at a picture of me and a soldier sitting in a café. A bus stop could be clearly seen in the background through the window. As I began to read the letter I noticed it was addressed to Tony Stark, to me.


One day, hopefully not for a very long time, I won't walk through that front door. I wont be there to kiss you, wont be there to love you. One day I wont be there and I want you to know that I will always love you, and if we're to meet again then I hope I get the chance to love you like I did. I'll never stop looking for you. Until that day comes you will be forever mine.

Steve Rogers

I thought to myself. How could this be, it had to be a prank, so I took the book to a computer and did a little more research. It lead me to a memorial page called "traveling soldier: for those who lost loved ones during the war." I started to cry, I remembered Steve. I remember making love to him the day he left. I remember how I couldn't leave my room for weeks because I felt like my world had ended. "Can I help you," I hear the librarian say. She was a young looking woman by the name of Maria Hill, "Tony, Are you ok?" I nod my head, "I don't know." She sits down next to me. Ms. Hill was a kind woman. I watched her look at the book I was holding. I then hand it to her, "You look just like the young man in this photo." I wiped my face, "you don't get it. I think I am him." She looked at me surprised. I continued, "I remember sitting there and taking that photo. He, the soldier, and I were together. He was drafted and because I was in school still... Steve, he came in to see when I would get off. The bus stop in the back is the last place I saw him."

Ms. Hill in a stern voice said, "Tony Stark you better not be playing a prank on me." I immediately shook my head, "no ma'am. When I got off we walked to the peer. As time slowly wined out we ended back at my place. It was a small place. We, I loved him during a time when it wasn't allowed. The only other person that knew was his best friend Bucky who he had gone off to war with. "I still can't believe this." I looked at the picture, "may I take a photo copy or check out this book. I have a software at home where I can up load the image to find him. It may take some time but I will find him." Ms. Hill nodded her head, "do you mind keeping me in the loop?" I smiled at her, "not at all Ms. Hill, and I assure you, this was no prank. You know me. Have I ever set foot in a library before today." She laughed then went back to the front while I packed up the books. I wanted to find Steve. I needed to find Steve. How was this happening?

When I got home I found my dad passed out on the couch. He worked nights just to make sure he'd see me during the day. He used to drink but cleaned up his act after my mother passed. I went and set my things down then grabbed a blanket and placed it on my dad. I smiled then left to my lab in the basement. Pops built it for me when he found out I had an interest in engineering and science.

"Jarvis," I say as I walk into my lab, "I need to find someone." A halo gram of my AI appears then walks over to me, "who are you looking for?" I opened the book then pointed, "Steve Rogers. I want facial recognition done. I already know the man in the photo is dead. I need to know if." Jarvis interrupted me, "I don't understand." I looked at the picture, "I opened this and a huge wave of emotions and memories came rolling in. I'm sitting right there and yet that was 40 years ago and I'm only 18." I laughed, "please try." The machines started moving and a photo was taken. "Where shall I start sir?" I said, "California. Work your way from there. Please notify me when you've found him." Jarvis nodded then the halo gram disappeared. I went to my room. I felt like crying. This man, Steve, I'm in love with a ghost. The man in that photo died. How is this happening?

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