A cold winter

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A new story I'm working on. A Loki x Bucky story was requested and this is what I had thought of. Hope you all enjoy.

It's raining again. Just like it always does when I go to the hospital. Work is crazy for my coworkers. I however seem to have it easy, but the one thing I didn't realize was just how special my single patient was.

I look out the windows as I walk to the single room hidden down a single hall with 3 windows on one side. They were built by the late family of my patient. The windows, they're 3 angels. One in a red and blue dress with white wings. The one in the middle seems like the kind you'd see at the church. The last is an angel in silver and red armor that stands from floor to ceiling. It's as if to protect and stand guard. I didn't know who they were but they meant a great deal when the light would shine in through and onto my patients face.

"Hello," I say as I walk into the room. My patient turns to me, "how are you today?" I smiled. This was the first time I've ever heard him speak to me. He's been awake all these years we've been together and truth is I think I'm just here to be his friend more than anything. "My name," he started to say, "is Loki Laufeyson." I smiled and took his hand to shake it. "I am Dr. Jamie Barnes. It's nice to meet you." His facial expression changed dramatically and I got worried. That's when he said, "I'm alright. I'm alright. You want to know something Doc." I nodded to listen then told him to call me Jamie, "alright Jamie. Well a long time ago the world was a much different place. Back during a time when World wars seemed to plague the planet and in the center stood a man named James Buchanan Barnes. He was a Sargent during World war and was a friend to Captain America. They were the best of friends and were inseparable." I spoke up, "learning about them was mandatory in school Mr. Laufeyson." He smiled, "Loki is fine, but what you don't know is history was not kind to either man. 70 years hidden behind ice and snow lay these two heroes. One turned dark through years of torture and the other lay asleep waiting until a man in red armor would find him. For many long years after the captain was found the world seemed to keep spinning. That was till I showed up, what I wasn't expecting was to come face to face with a man I had met many decades prior on my trip to earth."

"What happened?" I asked. He re-positioned himself, "I wanted power and saw the earth as my new kingdom. The captain and the man in the red armor. They and their team stopped me. My brother, he thought i was crazy when i told him i saw a ghost. Truth is i saw the other half of something i wanted more than the throne." I got up and got a little angry, "no wonder they didn't tell me who you were." I looked down, "the day you came to Midgard was the day my whole world changed." Loki sat up, "i don't understand." I turned to him, "My name is Jamie Buchanan Barnes. It was the name given to me after a man dropped me on the door step of an elderly woman. She raised me with her niece and did a hell of a job. As time went on i learned things about myself that i thought were crazy. I didn't believe it. Actually it was rather hard to believe. You Loki, you got lucky to be taken into a family who was willing to treat you as there own. I found out i was sent away. My own family didn't want me. I found out that the only reason i'm here on midgard is because of King Odin. My mother died trying to save the woman our brother loved. I guess i'm here because of last request and a feeling."

"You mean," He looked to me, "You're her. You're the Midgard Guardian." I nodded my head then he continued, "The lives you must have lived..." I spoke up, "I will never truly die. Some tell me i am lucky. Truth is you're the lucky one." I watched Loki close his eyes, "Father feared that letting our brother and me into midgard would change us and make us want to stay. I was the first to come here to this world during the 2nd world war and met a man. We became friends, and as time went on i fell in love with him, but i knew his heart had fallen for another. I was never the same when Heimdal had told me he had died. The man saw everything and when he did not see where the man had fallen i knew it could never be. I could never be happy. I fell in love with a mortal, and even though we live and die..."

"what happened?" I asked as i turned to see him smiling because the sun had made the angel shine through and onto him. He closed his eyes and just smiled before telling me about the man so many had feared.

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