Avengers: Age of Miracles

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maria turned on the street and headed for the cemetary. something was drawing her there and yet she didn't know what. A voice from Maria's past popped into her head as she walked down the street. It said, "SHIELD and HYDRA, two sides of a coin that are no longer in currency. This is no longer the age of spies or even heroes... its the age of miracles." Maria walked into the cemetary and looked around. It was 2 am and Maria had the feeling she was being followed. Unfortunantly it was true.
        Maria stopped in front of the grave and all got quite till she heard the crunching of leaves. "you can come out now. I know you're there," said Maria as she turned around to find a SHIELD agent point her gun at maria. "when did you find out i was following you?" said the agent. "you tripped up under the street light before we turned onto the street." It got quite as Maria set the flowers down next to the grave. Maria then turned around to the agent, "are you here to kill me Agent?" The agent put her gun away then placed her hand out, "Agent Lily Walker, and no. I came here to ask you for your help. I am sorry but i had to take percautions. Your file is rather large." Maria smiled, "then you know everything about me?" the agent nodded her head, "then you can help me. I dont remember anything before April 4th or how I got these powers." Lily looked worried then placed her hand out to motion to Maria to follow her.

"Where are we going?" asked Maria. Lily led the way back to her car. Lily took off once Maria was buckeled up and said, "james, you there?" The Dash board changed and James, Lily's partner, appeared. "Did you find her?" lily nodded her head, "good. Bring her back. He doesn't have much time." Lily pressed hard on the gas. "Where are we going?" asked Maria. Lily didn't say anything, she just pointed to the map. "Hang on," Said Maria as she placed her hand on Lily's shoulder and the car. With in the blink of an eye both Lily and Maria sat in the underground parking of Avengers Tower. Lily started to stuter, "how did you?" The two got out of the car then Maria took Lily's hand and took her to the top floor. Once they were there Maria panicked. "Why? Why are they all?" Maria took a few steps back as James and Steve walked up.

"James, Captain Rogers I want you to meet Maria Richards." Steve placed his hand out and smiled. James nodded his head then said, "Maria, if I may, we need your help," he motioned maria to follow him. The two walked to Tony's room before James continued, "He's burning up and we don't know how to stop it. Can you help us?" Maria walked over to the side of the bed where Tony lay with a dozen of cold towels and Icebags covered him," does he," lily moved tonys shirt to find the arc reactor gone,"it's gone..." maria looked at lily, "has he been taking any medications? anything he could possibly be alergic to?" Lily went into the bathroom and brought out a bottle of pain killers, "just pain killers. He hasn't told me about anything else." Maria placed her hand on tony's forehead, "what about field duty. what has he been doing?"

James and Lily used there gifts to take the water and run it around his body then placed it back in the tub. "A missle headed for Manhattan. Thats his field work. He saved the world and almost lost his life for it." lily went and sat next to tony then started to run her hands through his hair, "this is from his nightmares, isn't it?" Maria nodded her head when Lily looked at her. "Agent Walker," Maria sat down in the chair by the bed, "He is reliving the trauma of what happened in New York." Lily looked at Maria with tears in her eyes."I don't know how to wake him up. I can help you gain access and go through and help him but I cant and don't know how to wake him up," Maria looked down, "I'm sorry."

"do it, help me gain access. I need to help him. I... I cant lose him," james cleared out the room as Lily lay on the empty side of the bed, "I want in."

"take his hand then stay absolutly still. Once inside you will be able to do anything you wish. You will replace the other you and all that entitles. good luck." Lily smiled before taking Tony's hand and shutting her eyes. Maria told james to sit down then connected Lily to Tony.

--- IN TONY'S MIND ---

When Lily opened her eyes she was sitting at a small coffee shop. On the table in front of her was a news paper and a drawing book. lily thought to herself "did this work, can i really be back?" When she got up she noticed Ironman fly over head then she placed a call. Within seconds Ironman flew by and picked up Lily before flying back to the tower.

"lily, I've been looking everywhere for you."

"Tony what's wrong?"

"I know this is going to sound crazy but I've been reliving the same day and each day that goes by... well I come back more injured than the last.

"tony whats the last thing you remember before waking up here?"

"i was..." tony set me down on the balcony of the tower then went and took his armor off, "you and I were..." tony looked at Lily, "this isn't real is it?"

"no. Tony do you remember anything that might of felt funny before you woke up here?"

"I had a sharp pain then here. I keep repeating the same day over and over."

"tony we have to fix this. You're not doing well"

The two sat down on the couch. Lily told tony about everything that happened. The plan was then set. The only thing that stood in the way was how to tell James and Maria.

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