Rembering yesterday (stark family included)

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In a world where the person your supposed to be with's name is on your wrist. For Tony it's Steve Rogers. The one thing Tony doesn't realize the person his father was meant to be with is also gone.


"Don't you walk away from me."

"Why shouldn't I? you have everything and someone. I'm stuck on this earth alone."

"Tony, I."

Tony had tears in his eyes, "You were so focused on your friend and the child that you lost that you didn't even see the other was slipping away."

"Tony don't be like this."

"No, you don't. You've been out sera big the world for a dead man. How am I supposed to feel when my father figure isn't even there for his own kids 16th birthday. Which was last week by the way," tony started to walk away, "I love you but sometimes I feel like I'm unwelcome."

"I'm sorry."

Tony ran out of the room in tears as Howard's secretary walked in.

"Not now Kathy."

"I'm sorry sir but you and Mrs. Stark will be late if you do not leave now."

Howard grabbed the jacket to his suit then said, "thank you Kathy. Maria and I couldn't have done this with out you."

Kathy smiled, "have fun sir. I'll see you when you return."

"Till then," Howard stark joined his wife in the limo and headed out to the party. The only thing is both he and the Misses never made it home.



I was thinking of continuing this. If you want to input ideas comment or message me. I hope you all liked it. Thank you.

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