Avengers: Stony part 4

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This is the last part. I hope you all have enjoyed it.


I just walked out of the water when I saw a helicopter fly over head. I walked over to the lift on top of my house and saw that the helicopter landed on the top of the house that tony built. A tear shed from my eyes as the memories of the time i spent there entered my mind. i stood there and watched as tony exited the copter and watched it leave before i walked back into my house. he was going to come sooner than later, and until then i was going to stay right where i was.

--- years ago ---

"steve can i ask you something?"

steve turned over on the bed and faced tony, "you know you can."

tony crawled on to of steve and kissed him, "why me?"

"i made a promise to your father once and even though i tried... well i fell in love with you and i couldnt turn off those feelings. i fell in love with you."

"what do you mean by a promise?"

"it was as if he knew that i'd end up here, or atleast live longer than him."

tony laid his head on steves chest, "thats probably the only nice thing that he's ever done for me."

steve kissed the top of tony's head, "i guess it's my fault that he wasn't there. god tony i'm sorry."

"im not mad anymore. Steve i dont want to lose you. i've lost a lot in a short time. I get caught in work and sometimes i cant stop."

steve smiled, "i love you."

tony looked back at steve, "promise me you wont leave me."

steve kissed tony, "i promie."

tony smiled then laid his head back on steves chest. steve wrapped his arm around tony then laid back down on his pillow.

--- present time ---

i went early for his morning run. i ran the perimeter of the island then made a detour inland so tony wouldnt see me. when i got to the entry way of my house i found flower petals on the ground. i though to myself he found me as i followed the petals to my room. when i opened the door i found the room lit with candels and tony standing in the middle of it. i stood there in shock at what i walked into.

"tony? why are you here?"

"to show you what i've been working on for the past few months. Steve im sorry i pushed you away."

"tony you did more than push me away."

"i know, but you also promised you'd never leave me."

i walked into the room, "you gave me no choice. how was i supposed to know. you locked yourself away in that lab of yours and spent weeks on end in there. i tried to understand but i couldnt take it anymore tony."

"im sorry," tony walked over to me, "i'm sorry," tony took my hand then held up the box in his hand, "steve, this is what ive been working on, "tony squeezed my hand tight, "i wanted everything to be perfect , but i forgot one important thing.".

i said, "what's that?"

"you," i placed my finger on tony's lips to stop him from talking. i let him go then walked away. tony stood in the room for a second then followed me down the hall. I was about to walk out of the house when tony grabbed my arm and spun me around.

i said, "you should of stayed in Manhattan."

tony said, "you cant really mean that after everything we've been through. You're my life. you're my everything. when you left," tony looked down.

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