Meeting The Winter Soldier

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After the events of New York nothing was going to be the same. Especially when that man, that killer, The Winter Soldier killed my sister in cold blood. It wasn't an accident and it wasn't from a gun miss fire. He wanted Captain America and my sister was in the way so he shot her and killed her right on spot. She was just a child barely passed her 16 birthday... she was just a child.

He's going to pay.


I walked into the museum for captain america. I thought I'd take in the sight one last time before I went on this mission. I just, well I never thought that it start then and there.

"He was a good man."

The man that stood next to me said, "yes. He was. It's sad though."


"His friend. The brother, Steve. he got the worst part of it all."

"I guess. But a man like Mr. Barnes. He's the real hero. He gave his life. The good captain may have been frozen but no one can cheat death. He usually comes for you in the end and wins."

"I suppose your right," he started to walk away when I said, "you can't cheat death Winter Soldier."

He stopped in his tracks, "how?"

I didn't answer.

"Let's take this outside. There are children in here. Innocent people."

I agreed and we left.


"when did you start caring about these people!?"

"The moment I got my life back."

I didn't say anything.

"Look. Whatever I did. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I wasn't myself."

"You killed my little sister. Your going to sit there and tell me you weren't yourself when you put two bullets in her?"

The winter soldier stayed quite.

"She was only 16," I took out my gun,"you didn't even blink when you pulled her in close and put two bullets right in her stomach."

"I'm sorry."

I pointed my gun at him," sorry's not going to bring her back"


Seconds felt like hours. Eventually I found myself with a gun pointed to his neck. SHIELD agents were moving in and I couldn't do it. I couldn't pull the trigger.

When I looked The Winter Soldier in the eyes I saw sadness. It was something I hadn't seen before. I was sad.

"I'm sorry," I took my gun apart then continued, "I'm sorry," I rolled over on to the ground then waited for the agents to take me into custody. Instead I got the man in the flag.

"Buck are you alright?"

"Ya," captain america helped up the winter soldier, "and what about her?"

"Let her go."

Captain america got wide eyed, "she tried to kill you.

"I know. I would of done the same thing in her position. Steve let her go."

A man in black walked over, "rogers take her. We need to clean this up. Take her and put her in the back of the bus."

I got up and the captain took me into custody.


I could feel the car stop. When the doors opened I noticed we were in a forest area.

The man in black walked over and motioned me out of the car so I followed.

"Did you bring the execution squad?"

The man smiled, "where were you trained?"


"Where? there are a lot of people who would be very interest in a mercenary with your skills."

"I wasn't trained and up until he killed my sister. Well I lived and worked as an accountant."

"Then how did you fight him without training."

"I like to call my odd ability mimic," I looked out at the view, "I didn't really pay attention to fine details but I can copy any movement done by you and anyone for that matter," I looked back at the man in black," to tell you the truth. Well before today I never handled a gun."

He smiled again, "I could use someone with your skills. I think you would be a great assets to this team."

"You want me as a SHIELD agent?"

"No," he Unhand-cuffed me, "I want you as an Avenger and if the captain doesn't mind. I want him to be your SO."

"thank you sir but I have to ask, what's the catch?"

"You have to follow him," the man pointed at Captain America, "down the hill. Think of it as your first assignment."

I smiled then thanked the man before following the good captain into the forest.

---rest stop---

"You said James killed your sister?"

"Yes sir."

"She was the little girl that stood in between us in the city. I'm sorry."

"She gave her life because she thought you could make a difference."

The two of us started walking again.

"I'm sorry. If you want to talk I'm here for you."

"Captain all I want to do is go home. Tell me what I need to do and I'll do it."

"Just follow me," he took another drink of water then took off running. I followed as fast as I could.


I was getting a second chance. I was going to make things right and do it all for my sister.

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