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Before war broke out in 1940 Steve and Bucky seemed to be inseparable. No one could blame them for it either. Growing up during the depression was tough and after Steve's parents died he and Bucky were kicked to the streets. With no where to turn the two were forced to go to an orphanage. They stayed there till Bucky was old enough to get work so they could move out.
During 1938 Bucky worked double shifts to make sure that he could pay for Steve's medical bills and by 1939 the two hand grown closer. Mainly and only because Steve was always picking fights with guys much bigger and much stronger than him. Bucky would come in and save the day, sometimes in uniform and sometimes not. It made Steve feel even more pathetic than he already felt when Bucky was wearing his uniform, it also made him smile.

"One of these days I'm not going to be here," said Bucky as he grabbed Steve's bloody hand and pulled him up.

"Ya... Ya buck."

Steve paused not wanting to ask when he would lose his friend but knew he had to.

"So when do you ship out?"

"I've got a couple weeks left. Sargent James Barnes of the 107th" (I don't remember the exact number)

Bucky put his arm underneath Steve's shoulder to help support his friend. Then they made it out of the ally and over to there place.
Once there Bucky plopped Steve into a chair at the kitchen table and went and got his first aid kit from the cabinet.

"What am I going to do with you when I'm gone?"

"You know I want to come with you Bucky."

Bucky sat down In front of Steve.

"Now don't move"

Bucky went to patching up his friend. When they were done Bucky made soup for Steve. It had been raining and Bucky knew he had to get Steve warm some how. A nasty cold before he shipped out would not be good.
Bucky sat the bowl of soup in front of his friend then went back to get his. When he turned around he saw Steve start to sway water coming out of his nose and mouth then fall to the floor. Bucky immediately went to the aid of his friend and began CPR. Steve could feel Bucky's gentle lips touch his and then air rushing into him.
Bucky laid Steve on his side. It didn't take long for Steve to cough up the rest of the water and when he sat up Bucky kissed him. This time it wasn't from mouth to mouth, it was a real kiss. Steve place a hand on his friends chest and pushed him away.

" don't, they'll see us."

"You know how long I've waited to do that."

Bucky leaned in and kissed his friend once more. This time Steve didn't fight it. This time he place a hand on his friends face and kissed him back.

"I know how long you've waited because I've been waiting too."

Bucky smiled at the comment his friend made and then helped his friend off the floor. When Steve started shaking from the cold Bucky knew he had to get his friend warm so he took him to his bedroom and got him some dry clothes and blankets then got Steve into the bed.

"Get warm, I'll be in my room if you need me"

"You can stay"

"Are you sure"

"Please stay"

Steve moved over and let Bucky climb in the bed. At first there was an awkward silence then Bucky turned to Steve and kissed him again. This time it went beyond a kiss. This time was much different.
Bucky was careful when he began to take of his friends clothes. He on the other hand had gotten out of bed and stripped rather quickly.

"Be gentle Bucky"

"I will."

Bucky climbed back into the bed with a smile on his face.

"I've never seen you this happy."

"Because you never knew how much I loved you."

Bucky pulled the sheets over the two and started kissing his friend. As Bucky began to kiss Steve's neck he could feel his friend shake. It stopped though, Steve was still trying to get warm.
Bucky who had stopped to help his friend get warm went back to kissing him. He started at his neck then moved down to his waist. Steve's persistent shaking now was because he was nervous. He loved his friend and wanted his first time to be special, he didn't want to disappoint his friend or himself.
Bucky was much bigger than he was and he was able to move Steve easy. Steve's body followed Bucky's motions. The two moved as one till they could not contain themselves anymore. Steve ended up dirtying his chest and Bucky's too.
Steve collapsed and fell onto Bucky's chest. He was trying to catch his breath when Bucky kissed his neck.

"I love you Steve"

"I love you too"

The two kissed and fell asleep.
As the weeks went on and Bucky's deployment date came closer and closer Steve seemed to get into fights more and more just so he could be with Bucky. He knew that one day it would kill him. One day he'd get hit to hard and not get back up. He didn't want to leave his friend but there was no other way to get Bucky's attention.
When the day came Steve kissed his best friend goodbye and then walked him to the location where he was supposed to board the army buses for deployment. As he watched his friend disappear from view tears filled his eyes.
Weeks later Steve found himself enlisted in the army as a sort of test subject for project rebirth. Agent Peggy Carter the supervisor for the unit he was assigned to had grown rather fond of him. Growing a foot and gaining 100 pounds of pure mussel tends to do that to a girl though.
Steve was a poster boy that traveled around the country as captain America. Only reason was to boost moral and raise money for the war. He even went out to try and boost troop moral and when he heard about the unit Bucky was in and how it went missing changed him. He asked Howard stark to help get him and Peggy over enemy lines and help them get his friend back.
Steve arrived and found Soldiers locked up in cages. When he freed them some tried to get them to leave with him. While he wanted to make sure they were safe his mind was on Bucky, he was steves only priority.
Steve found Bucky in a room strapped to a table. When he got the straps off and got his friend off the table he kissed the man he had missed so dear.

"My god I'm turning into you"

"I'll explain later. Let's get you safe."

Steve did get his friend safe and the others he had saved back to camp. The first night they spent together in weeks was just like the first. They made love and spent the night together in each other's arms away from the other soldiers.
When captain America formed his team Bucky was the first to sign up. He was Steve's best friend and became better know as his famous side kick. They fought many hydra soldiers and saved many lives in the process, they also lost some good ones too.
One mission thought to be just like the rest turned into one of the most dangerous. The teams goal was to board a moving train and capture Arnim Zola, red skulls right hand man. But when they boarded they were met by armed soldiers. Steve and Bucky went after the armed soldiers while some of his men maid there way to Zola and two stood watch on the roof of the train.
Three second and the first shot sent Bucky through a hole created earlier. Two seconds and captain America took out the soldier. One second, Bucky was gone.
And as the story goes. Captain America put the plane in the water and wasn't seen from again for 70 years and in that time life moved on. His friends and loved ones moved on and his lover gone.


If you want to read more check out my Stony and Stucky story.

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