the night in armor

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the avengers just won the battle in manhattan but the wreckage was still a matter of concern. So many structures had been weakened by the chitari that with a single hit to the buildung or any buildings main structure could bring it down.?


a building just by the bay was slowly crumbling. it had taken suveer structural damage and a little girl was stuck at the top floor. Fireman tried to get to her but when they entered the building circumstances prevented them to do so.

the little girl scremed out in terror. Her mother was unconscious and stuck under debris.


The building started to shake more and more. The little girls screams could be heard by the policemen firemen and crowd below. There was nothing they could physically do and hopped for the best and when the best came everyone cheered.

Ironman had arrived and quickly assessed the situation.

"Jarvis inform the officers and fireman to push the crowd back.'

"Yes sir."

" here goes nothing."

Ironman flew into the building and rescued the little girl and her mother before anything bad could happen. When ironman landed the paramedics rushed per and took the little girls mother. He knew that little girl was scared so he raised his mask.

"Hi, what's your name?"

"It's... It's Chloe."

"Hi Chloe. My names tony."

"Tony is my mom going to be ok?"

"I don't know Chloe."

The little girls father rushed over to them.


Tony handed Chloe over to her father.

"Chloe are you ok?"

"Iron man saved me and mommy."

Chloe's father looked over to tony, "mr. Stark thank you. Thank you for saving my family"

"If there's anything I can do for you or your daughter please let me know."

"The police are helping us get a lift to the hospital. Mr. stark what's going to happen now?"

"We rebuild and start over."

"Everything I have is in there. I can't start over."

"Come by the tower and tell them your here to see me. I'll find you a place. now if you'll excuse me I have team mate that needs medical attention."

Tony walked to Steve then took off to the hospital.

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