Stony: Traveling Soldier Part 3

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It's as if God had split the seas of people because right then... Right when I was about to give up, well that's when I saw him. I saw Steve. He was in his captain America uniform. Fury was next to him trying to calm him down. That is when we locked eyes. Steve ran to me, he picked me up and twirled me around. As he set me down he pulled me in and kissed me. He then smiled and said, "I woke up... I didn't know where I was... Then I saw you. I, Toni Stark," he pulled a ring off the chain around his neck as he got down on one knee, "marry me?" I smiled and nodded my head, "I've waited 60 years to say this..." I smiled, "yes." He placed the ring on my finger. We kissed as fury and his goons surrounded us. Fury then said, "what the hell is going on." I gave him a smirk, "you know what this is. Fury you've been there since we woke up in this century. Hell you were there even before all this superhero shit." Fury smiled, "good to see you still have your charming personality stark." I smiled as Steve took my hand. Fury said, "then you know what to do. Assemble the avengers." I laughed, "thanks nick." He nodded then left with the goon squad. Once they were gone I looked at Steve and said, "you found me." He smiled, "let's hope I don't have to leave to soon. Have you found Bucky?" I shook my head no then looked out to see reporters rushing the scene. I said, "Oh no," as Steve laughed. I looked to him, "ready?" He nodded as the first reporter, a kid, took a photo of us. "Peter Parker. Mind if I get a few more?" Steve smiled and pulled me in to let the kid take a few pictures. He smiled then thanked us before leaving. The rest of the reporters rushed us, "Ms. Stark, Ms. Stark! How come this is the first time we're seeing you and this man together?" I laughed, "there will be a press conference to answer any and all questions. If you want answers now then look at the history books. Try 2015. You'll all get a kick out of that, or google Tony Stark. Go crazy. I'll have my assistant give out details to the press conference." Steve spoke up, "Now, if you'll excuse us... I just got engaged and I'd like to take the future Mrs. Rogers home." They cleared out of the way and let us pass. Fortunately we weren't to far from stark tower.

Hours later I found myself walking into the Daily Bugle and was met by The chief editor. "Ms. Stark, what brings you down to the bugle?" I smiled, "I had a couple questions for your photographer kid. Where is he?" Jamison stepped aside and yelled out, "Parker!!!!!" The kid was at my side in seconds, "parker, Ms. Stark has questions for you. Don't ruin it." The kid nodded then Jamison asked, "anything else?" I nodded, "I'm going to be needing him for about an hour." Jamison nodded then let us leave. We walked to the elevator then headed for the roof. "What is this about," asked Peter. I smiled, "you take the photos of spiderman, right?" He nodded then I continued, "ok. Good. Next time you see him... Can you tell him I've got a job offer for him?" Peter nodded. I then said, "you made a special trip for a chance?" I smiled, "want to be an avenger kid?" Peter took a step back, "how did you?" I smiled, "kid. Being in the business of keeping secrets like that is my job. So, what do you say?" Peter nodded then placed out his hand to shake mine. "Good. Get your things. I'm going to be needing you for a lot longer. We have several more stops to make." Peter nodded his head then followed me back down the elevator and to his office. Jamison got angry and started yelling. I simply said, "pay better. The kid is a genius with a camera. Could make this paper some good money, yet you waste his talents. Stark industries needs more scientist. He's going to be just fine and better off there." Jamison sat back in his chair speechless. A first. I then went and helped Peter pack his things and head down to the limo where Steve was waiting for us. He smiled then came up and kissed me before turning to Peter, "welcome to the team kid. Toni says you've got degrees in several things that can be valuable to this team. You think you can keep up?" I playful hit Steve, "don't scare him Steve." Steve and I laughed then Peter said, "I'm ready for anything. So, you said we had more stops? Who else are we getting?" We all got in then waited for the limo to take off before I told Peter everything. He got really excited then told me about someone else who might be valuable, "her name is Raleigh Buchanan. She promised me to keep her powers a secret but now I think you should know. She's strong, powerful and could give the hulk a run for his money. She works for you actually. After school she took a job in your west coast position and occasionally sends a hello text." I pulled out my phone, hit a few buttons, then called the head of the West coast branch. "Hello, I am calling for Raleigh Buchanan. I want her flown to my office at Stark Tower by the end of today. Send her in the stark jet if need be." The man on the other end of the phone could be heard scurrying around, "yes ms. Stark. Will there be anything else?" I said "no." The man on the other end said, "and congratulations ma'am. To you and Captain Rogers." I smiled, said "thank you," then hung up.

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