Iron Winter: Part 4

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When tony saw Steve fall he immediately went after him.

--- safe house/ hours later ---

Steve woke up in an room. He sat up and looked around to see nothing but the bare essentials. He also noticed that his wounds had been bandage and a pair of sweats on the foot of the bed. Steve slowly got up, got dressed in the sweats, grabbed the note from his uniform then left the room.

Steve found tony reading the paper when he got out to the main living area.

"Rise and shine Blondie."

"Tony where am I?"

"Look," tony got up from his table and walked over to the kitchen to place his dishes in the sink, "I only saved you because you have answers. You have answers as to who I really am."

"What do you remember?"

The two went and sat at the couch, "i. I don't know. When you said my name the only thing I could think about was you and me," tony gave a small smile, "who am I. What are we?"

"How long have you been working for hydra?"

"Skull says he recruited me when I was young."

"Tony, what do you think?"

"I can't remember anything before last week. What is your name?"

"It's steve."

"steve?" tony took steves left hand and was about to squeeze it tight when he saw steve wearing a ring, "you're married. She must be worried to death about you."

"tony," steve queezed tony's hand, "it's an engagement ring tony and," steve grabbed the note from the sweat pocket, "your friend gave this to me. he said it was your what if letter."

tony took the letter, "did you open it?"

"no, because i didnt think i had to. Tony you know you cant go back till we get rid of skulls hold on you."

"go back where? who am i?"

steve turned on the small television and flipped it to the news, "this is who you are."

the two sat there and watched the news report on how tony was missing, and how steve had taken over Stark Industries. when the news was over tony got up and took a few steps away from the couch.

"i dont believe this."

"tony," steve got up and walked over to tony, "i'll try to answer what ever questions you might have. i know this is hard."

tony had tears in his eyes when he turned around and yelled out, "you've been brainwashed!? you've had your life taken away!?"

steve placed his hands on the side of tony's shoulders, "i lost my best friend because i couldn't reach him. he fell to his death from a train. i lost a lot more than anyone will ever know."

"then tell me!" tony was still yelling."

"you may of lost a week of your life tony," steve took a deep breath, "but i lost 70 years and the one time i am finally happy is the one time everything gets taken away from me again. The man i wanted to spend the rest of my life with was taken from me, and the worst part is," a tear fell from steves eye as he looked away from tony," the worst part is, he doesnt remember me."

tony placed his hand under steves chin to turn his head, "where is he?"

"right in front on me."

tonys eyes got wide as he watched steve tear up. tony said, "can i do something?"

steve said, "what?"

"i," tony grabbed steves jacket then pulled him in for a kiss. Steve wrapped his arms around tony then smiled against the kiss.

"steve i'm sorry."

steve said, "i got you back. we can find someone to help us. we can get things back to normal."

"nothings going to be the same as it was steve."

steve said, "i was worried you might say that."

"dont. the one thing you never have to worry about is my love for you fading. It wont stop."

"tony you dont know me."

tony said, "it sure felt like i knew you. steve, i dont want to be like this. please, help me."

"you need to destroy that black armor of yours. you and i need to go on foot the a shield friendly public place."

"im a missing man and you're a new CEO. how do you suggest we go outside without drawing attention to ourselves."

steve said, "you must have some casual clothing. put it on and lets go."

--- Cafe ---

steve told tony to find a spot in the back while he went to the waitress.

"Captain where have you been?"

"i need you to get word to Agent Coulson. I found him."

i said, "Thank you"

she said, "do you want me to bring you anything?"

"a coffed, water, and something to eat. i dont care what."

"ok captain. ill have it out to you right away."

i smiled then left and sat with tony.

--- later in cafe ---

coulson walked in then came and sat next to steve.

"Tony this is director Coulson."

tony sat there speechless.

coulson said, "whats wrony?"

"you died. I remember fury said you died."

coulson said, "i was dead for about a week before they brought me back. Mr. Stark im here because i needed to see that steve brought you in. Were going to do all we can to help you."

"Phil... i had my life taken from me. what can you do to help fix that?"

"i dont know but i can offer a chance."

"if you can get ride of his hold on me then ill take it. I have a fiance and a company id like to get back to."

"i understand," coulson stood up, "the two of you need to follow me. were going to start now. We need ironman back."

the two nodded then followed coulson.



there is going to be one more part. Do feel free if you would like me to write a story for you. thank you for all of you who have been reading and voting. i really appreiate it.

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