Avengers: stony part 3

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What can I do. I'm just like my old man. I pushed him out of my life like I pushed everyone before him. I don't deserve him.


I'm flying home tonight; watching all those city lights, but that's alright cause I don't want to be alone. There's no body waiting there. In my king sized bed. Words I wished I said come in the radio.

And I don't know why I do this to myself. I pushed you away and there's nothing...

--- avengers tower ---

I finished packing a suitcase and was headed to the elevator when I found Natasha sitting there holding a file.

"Where are you going?"


"Fury needs you here Stark."

"And right now I need to fix the mess I've made."

Natasha said, "you know I can't let you leave."

"Try and stop me. I dare you."

Natasha got wide eyed as I set my things down. I raised my voice, "so what's it going to be Natasha?"

She placed her arm out with the file in it, "look this over."

I took the file, "what's in it?"

"He said it was for your eyes only," Natasha dropped her arm, "tony I'm going to let you in on a secret. Steve was ready to propose."

I picked up my things as tears fell from my eyes. I then grabbed the small box out of my breasts pocket then tossed it to her. Natasha opened it then looked at me and said, "and you too," she tossed the box back to me,"why didn't you tell one of us?"

"Nat," the two of us walked into the elevator and headed to the top floor, "I keep secrets. It's what I'm good at. It's what I know."

"If you would of let one of us in we could of kept Steve from leaving, or at least tried to."

"I spent 4 months building this thing and I guess I should of spent more time with him. I get so into my work that everything else fades away."

The elevator doors opened and the two of us walked out. I went and through my things in the helicopter then walked over to Natasha, "thanks."

"For what?"

I said, "Everything."

"Bring him home tony."

I nodded my head then said, "ok."

--- the end for now ---

Stay tuned. I'm going to write one more part. Hope you all have enjoyed this.

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