Tony, Bruce and Lily Walker

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lily lay on the couch in the living space of Avengers tower when Tony and bruce walked in. Both unaware of lily's being.

"so bruce, what do you think of the new girl?"

"she's great. she's going to be a great assest to the team."

the two grabbed lunch and headed for the table, " now what do you really think of her bruce? you spend all day making googley eyes at her. i know you like her, so spill," the two sat at the table.

"ya, i guess i do but look at me, man the last time i was in New York, well i kinda broke harlem. who would want to be with a monster like me?"

"you save people bruce, anyone would be lucky to be with you."

"they'd also be put in terrible danger."

it went silent as the two continued to eat. the silence didnt last long. lily got up and looked at the two, "i think it should be up to me to decide that Bruce. did you ever think i wanted this. i... you know what, for get this," lily left and bruce ran after her.


"bruce leave me alone."

"im sorry."

"i cant do this anymore," lily backed up to the wall then slid down to the floor, "i cant be here anymore," lily placed her hands over her eyes and started to cry, "i dont want to feel like this anymore."

"please dont talk like this," bruce went and got on his knees in front of lily, "with such suffering."

"i can't do this bruce," lily looked up to show her tear stained face.


"because i love you," bruce took lilys hand and said, "i love you to," then pulled lily in for a kiss.

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