Iron Winter: Part 3

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--- main living area for stark tower ---

"How do you know he's still alive," asked Bruce.

Natasha sat down with the other avengers, " Steve won't survive this if we lose tony. I've seen it happen to numbers of people. I'm telling you, he won't survive this."

"So," Clint looked at the others, "what are we going to do?"

Thor looked down, "I do not know, my friends. I do not know."


Steve woke up 20-30 minutes later. He left Tony's room, still holding onto tony's shirt, then went down to the lab.

--- In lab ---

"jarvis what did you want to show me?"

a light turned on over tony's desk in the back of the lab. Steve walked over to the desk to find a box and a folded up peice of paper.

"Jarvis what is this."

jarvis didnt answer. instead he let steve find out for himself.

when steve opened the box he found a ring. He didnt notice that Bruce walked in till he said, "he was going to ask you when you to got home. He wrote that note for you incase something... Steve he loved you more than you'd ever know. He told me the night before you left to bring you down here if something happened to him. I guess he also told Jarvis."

steve put the ring on his finger then picked up the note, "Bruce I'd like to be alone right now."

"i know steve. i would be the same. The others thought i'd be the only one to break through to you."

steve turned to face bruce with the note still in hand, and said, "break through to what?"

jarvis spoke up, "Ms. Potts arrived several moments ago for the legal matters i spoke to you about."

"steve," bruce took a step closer to steve, "Several months ago Tony put your name onto the paperwork for Stark Industries. Pepper will handle everything business related, she just needs you to sign a few things."

"ok. ok. thank you Bruce."

steve placed the note in his breast pocket then followed bruce up to the main living area of the tower and over to pepper. once there both steve and pepper sat down and immediatly got to work.

--- later ---

steve walked pepper to the elevator.

"Captain rogers."

steve interupted pepper, "please call me steve."

"ok," pepper smiled, "steve, i'll take care of the business aspect of everything. dont worry about it. Will get him back, and everything will go back to normal."

"pepper thank you for everything. I have one more question for you before you go."

"ok, shoot."

"why did tony put my name on the legal papers?"

"i dont know Steve. im sorry to say this, but personally i thought it was the worst choice he made at the time. Looking at it now, well im glad he did."

"pepper what would of happened he hand't done this?"

"the company would be put on the market for the whole world to try and purchase. Steve," she placed her hand on steves face, "bring him home."

steve smiled, "I will."

the elevator doors opened then pepper left.


Many people in the world have come close to the ironman armor, but none have come as close to the armor as the red skull. he did not need machines to be built. the red skull had iron man; not as his prisoner, but as his own personal play toy.

The one thing you musent forget is, 'HYDRA does not keep prisoner.'


Steve got seperated from the other avengers, and found his way into the control and observation area. the red skull said, "i was beginning to think that you had forgotten about me, captain."

steve took his shield from his back and placed it on his arm, "this whole place is surrounded skull. Give up."

"Yes, but you forget captain," the skull turned around to show he was in a set of armor, "you're down here and it's just you and me," the skull pressed a few buttons on his arm then a man in black armor walked out.

the skull said, "good luck captain, you're going to need it," before flying off. The man in the black armor didn't waist any time, and went after steve. the man managed to get steve into a position where he could grab steve and take him to the snow filled surface. The two the proceeded to fight. When steve lost in shield he resorted to hand to hand combat. it was the only way to get the repulsars off of the armor.

The man in the black armor was sent flying by steve shield. Steve quickly made his way over then pinned the man before ripping of his shield.


the man in the black armor, tony, flipped the captain off then went for the gloves to his armor, the repulsars, and pointed them at steve.

steve still on the defensive said, tony is that?"

tony charged up his repulasers then said, "who the hell is tony," before firing. One of those shots hit steves shield and sent him flyin into the forest behind him. Tony placed on the other glove and flew after steve only to find him unconcious. Tony then picked steve up and took him to the hydra jet above his location.

--- in jet ---

steve was thrown to the ground by skulls feet.

"congratulations Iron Knight. you have done what so many couldn't."

tony took off his helmet then tossed it aside, "do i know him?"

"you met him on an assignment earlier this week."

tony looked away, "but i knew him."

"yes. he was apart of the life you chose to leave behind. Iron Knight, dismissed."

tony left without his helmet. Skull went after steve when he saw that tony was gone.

Red skull grabbed Steve's helpless body and lifted him up, "look at your country now captain. You think you and your team mates fight for a better future where a flag stands tall. I've seen the future captain, there are no flags."

"Not my future," Steve hit skull with the little strength he had left. Steve started to crawl away when the skull dropped him and was sent flying. However, Steve was unlucky.the skull got up, and this time grabbed him by the neck and carried him to the opening in the jet they were in, "your precious leader has failed you and I'll wake him up long enough to let him see his handy work. To let him see the blood that he's spilt. Your world has come to an end Captain America. It's time to say goodbye," skull let go of Steve and watched as he fell through the hole and into the city below.


                AUTHOTS NOTE:

i hope you all have like the story so far. please comment below if you have anything you want to imput. im going to try and wrap up the story in 1-2 more chapters so stay tuned. thanks again and dont forget to vote.

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