twenty eight - reality

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a/n: trigger warning: slight mention of suicidal thoughts.

jieun's screen changes from pitch black to her screen showing her the room yohan and dongpyo were staying in. she moves around the house, looking around since she hasn't really had a good look of the room she was staying in. when she was about to walk into the bedroom, dongpyo starts talking, which was shown at the bottom of the screen.

-dongpyo: yohan.

i don't have any options to click on.

-dongpyo: you don't have to answer, it's fine, can you just go to the bedroom?

jieun controls yohan to the bedroom. she goes near yohan's bed near the window and presses "e" on her keyboard to sit down.

-dongpyo: yohan.

-type here:

what? it's giving me an option to type.

-type here: yes dongpyo?

-dongpyo: oh, you're actually talking. um, i have something i need to confess to you.

-type here: what is it?

jieun noticed that dongpyo started breaking down and stuttering. she starts to have a thought that he did something.

-dongpyo: i-i

-type here: aww dongpyo don't cry.

dongpyo wipes his tears.

-dongpyo: yohan, or whoever you are, you're weird, i don't know what's going on with you with your teleporting and the weird things you say, but i don't know why but i feel like i could trust you.

-type here: for some reason the game is giving me a change to type but please don't cry. if you want to know who i am, i'm jieun hehe.

since i could type, i think it would be cool if i could break the fourth wall again.

-dongpyo: jieun? you're the one who's playing as yohan? what is this? where are we? i'm very confused, what did you do to yohan?

what is he talking about?

-type here: i didn't do anything. i don't even know who you guys are. i was just bored scrolling down for games and i found this game, "survivor x".

-dongpyo: so my predictions were right. we're actually in a game? we're trapped here?

-type here: you guys are actually real? that makes a lot more sense.

-dongpyo: i won't tell the others, they might take advantage of you. don't tell anyone else, just act as yohan, please, for yohan's safety because you are playing as him and for my safety. don't tell anyone i know who you are or what you are.

-type here: this is the only time i don't have options to choose from, but i can actually type freely. oh yeah, you said that you had something to tell me, what was it?

the option where jieun could type disappears and dongpyo looks closely to her.

-dongpyo: you can't tell anyone, please.

-dongpyo: you're silent again.

dongpyo starts crying once again.

-dongpyo: i'm afraid of myself.

-dongpyo: i'm a monster.

-dongpyo: i-i killed someone.

-dongpyo: i-i didn't mean to.

-dongpyo: i wanted to know who killed seungwoo.

-dongpyo: my emotions took over me and made me kill him over a stupid piece of paper.

-dongpyo: jieun, i don't deserve to be here.

-dongpyo: this game, this fucking game is ruining our lives.

-dongpyo: please save us.

-dongpyo: i-

-dongpyo: i killed minhee.

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