fifteen - reality

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-do you believe the murderer is out of the game?

jieun reads the dialogue from all of the players and starts thinking to herself, is the murderer actually of the game?

i honestly don't think it's seungyoun. damn it jieun why did you pick him. i do have a suspision on who i think it is, but then again, i could be wrong. i do agree with junho, it is too early in the game. a while back seungyoun said that he knows who the murderer is, and that we're all dumb. well, the only other people he could have pick were either wooseok, hyungjun, I do know it isn't me. but, what if he voted for me? then his prediction was wrong. but what if he voted for wooseok or hyungjun? are they the murderer? what is he's wrong either way? damn it this getting in my head.

-do you believe the murderer is out of the game? thumbs up if you believe he's still in the game, thumbs down if you believe he's out of the game.

there were two button on the bottom of the text:

[ yes / no ]

it's too early in the game.

[ yes / no ]

jieun clicks on "no" and the camera zoomed out to view all the contestants. she could see who's thumbs were up and down. thumbs up meant that they believed the murderer is out and thumbs down meant that they believed the murderer is in.


thumbs up (is out): three votes
thumbs down (still in): six votes


-we will continue the game! the next trial is in two days, so get ready. we will have a mini-game tomorrow, and the winners of the mini-game will get a benefit! get ready contestants!

mini-game? the title screen said nothing about a mini-game. well, gotta get myself prepared i guess.

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