Crush Headcanons

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Writer's block hits... Time to write some Headcanons! This time, the characters have a crush on you. How do they respond? I'll write the rest of the characters soon!

🥦 Midoriya Izuku 🥦:
- It's obvious.
- Really obvious. He gets all red and flustered, and he's always talking about your quirk or anything he finds unique
- Takes forever for a confession
- You have to either wait patiently or confess first
- He's a mess at these types of things

🔥 Todoroki Shotō ❄️:
- Opposite of Midoriya. You'll never know until he confesses
- He's known you for a long time, he doesn't get 'crushes' easily. Fell in love with your personality
- Takes him forever to admit his feelings to himself, much less you.
- Stares when you're not paying attention
- Completely lost as to what to do. Eventually corners you (like he did to Midoriya at the sports festival) and confesses

💥 Bakugō Katsuki 💥:
- HAH you thought. He doesn't get crushes! Nothing will stand in between him and becoming the No. 1 Hero!
- Until it comes to you
- At first, you're just like everyone else. Nice? Yeah. Kind of annoying? Hah yes. The first time you dished his nicknames and taunts back at him, he literally paused before the two of you exchanged more
- Blew up a pencil once on accident when he heard you laugh
- Will never confess in a million years. Just starts sitting next to you at lunch and studying together until he confirms that you like him and calls you out on it

👗 Yaoyorozu Momo 👗:
- She sees you as a strong opponent in competition, at first
- Then Mina starts to tease her for her staring, and she begins to recognize she has a crush
- She's unprepared, but she does her best to not let it get in the way of her studies
- Doesn't confess until after the training camp arc. She was afraid of losing time after that
- Blushes the whole time, but can control her voice. So happy when you say yes

🎸 Jirō Kyōka 🎸:
- She has pretty low self-esteem when it comes to crushes. Very quiet about it
- She gets close to you as a friend, learning all she can about you
- Studying together while she develops feelings
- Only one thing gives her crush away
- Her earphone jacks twist nervously all the time around you

🥋 Ojirō Mashirao 🥋:
- Has always thought you were cute
- His tail wags whenever you're around him, even more so when you talk to him
- Doesn't confess outright, he's more calm and slow about it
- Holds your hand before he ever confesses
- Eventually the two of you start telling people you're dating, even though neither of you actually asked

🦈 Kirishima Eijiro 🦈:
- Ahhhhh man he likes you. So much. You're just so cute and the way you smile whenever you find something you like-
- He doesn't have a casual crush. He's head-over-heels for you
- He plays it off cool, but it's pretty obvious
- Confesses after he asks you on a date
- Wanted to do it on the date but it just slipped out

🧤 Hagakure Tōru 🧤:
- Worried you won't notice her
- But then you're hanging out with her all the time, and she lets herself hope
- You can't see her blush whenever the two of you eat lunch together- she pictures it as a tiny date
- Eventually she asks you to meet her after school
- And she confesses to you, a bit anxious but is so happy when you reciprocate. She hugs you for the rest of the day

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