Shinsō x Trans Male!Reader(3)

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(Part 3/3! Shorter than the others, but fluffy!)

I open my eyes slyly, looking up. He grins down at me, ruffling my hair.

"Silly." Hitoshi teases.

I grin, turning back to the show. I wasn't really invested in it, definitely not as much as I was invested in the feeling of his hands running through my hair.

A month has passed since the day we were shoved in the closet together. I've grown to be a regular in the Shinsō household, and Hitoshi's best friend.

His mom obviously loved the fact that he had a friend. I love and support him so much, and apparently it shows. His dad also enjoys my company, especially the days that I'm not hurt (it isn't very often, since I tend to meddle).

And then there's Hitoshi. I smile up at him again. My platonic datefriend. We go on friend dates together, and cuddle together on the couch to watch anime. Every time I look at him I just get so happy. That's my best friend.

He smiles back down at me, and his mom- basically my mom, too- calls us for dinner.

I remember the day that I told them I was trans. When I told them that was why my parents had disowned me. Told them about my busy, drunk aunt who tried hard to be the parent she never intended to be.

They had all listened so intently. Delicately, they helped me piece together how I felt about it. It was something that I had denied, how they made me feel.

Now, my old parents didn't matter.

I sit down at the table with my new family. I have my own place and everything, and I know afterwards I'll be asked to help with the dishes.

I look at Hitoshi, and he catches my eye with a small smile.

After everything that happened, this is my family now.

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