The good ending - endgame part 10 - alternate

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Meanwhile, you were busy causing as much damage as you could- leaping over back to thanos as you noticed the gauntlet was nearby. You grabbed onto his neck, using your powers to strangle him before you were suddenly thrown off him- rolling around in the dirt from the throw. Grunting in pain you got back up, causing the ground to move from beneath his feet as he picked the gauntlet up- luckily captain marvel began to help. You started to shoot explosions out and send out chaotic waves of force which didn't help captain marvel in the best way. But at least it effected thanos too .

However, as she was thrown too you had no choice but to continue to strangle thanos with your powers- inside he felt like he was being torn apart.. by you and the gauntlet that he had slid on . You pulled and pulled as he tried to click his fingers, bleeding quite badly in places , and while you attempted Captain marvel came to help as you started to struggle.

Your eyes flickering to their normal colour and to black again and again. As you were fighting to keep control. Realistically you lied to your powers, it was all a lie so you could harness them.

You screamed out as you and captain marvel appeared to be winning until she was blasted by one of the stones which you avoided. You and Tony fighting again for the gauntlet, but both of you being thrown again.

"I am inveitable" he grinned, you watched him raise his arm- and the clang of him snap.. but nothing happened. Your eyes flickered around, seeing that nothing happened..

But as you turned to tony, you noticed the stones connected to his suit. He breathed out heavily.. as it coursed through him.


Iron man..."

And like that he snapped his fingers, before falling weakly. You looked around effortlessly before seeing his pale sickly face and his burnt suit, worries instantly filling you as tears rolled down your cheek. "Tony . Don't you dare die on me" you told him, focusing on your mind and your powers.. you kept your hand on his suit with your eyes screwed shut.

Knowing that Peter just swung down, and Luna and Loki were running over . You made them back away, "I need to focus" you told them, a blue mist from your hand .

You felt everyone watch you, you attempting to heal and save Tony - could this cost you your life? Maybe. Who knew.

And as you concentrated, slowly each of his wounds started to disappear- falling unconscious . You blinked, your eyes growing heavy and your body getting limp- but all that mattered was that Tony was alive..

The last thing you saw, was tony being taken care of by pepper and Peter - and that's when your world when dark.

Loki and Luna immediately got to your side, checking your pulse in worry; you were perfectly fine. Just exhausted, weak and pale. Since you had used to much of your power, you had pushed your limit.


Since the battle, Y/n and Tony were greatly taken care of, although Tony had woken up before Y/n- she was still asleep, basically trapped in dreams in the white sheets of the hospital bed. Loki and Luna would sit by her side. Hoping that she'd wake up soon..

It was 3 days later, when her eyes finally fluttered open- seeing Loki, Luna, Peter, Tony and Pepper all crowded around in anxious states. Tony being wired and hooked up to machines. 

And let's just Loki and Luna were incredibly happy with sadness to you alive and healthy.

Never do that again
Hm? I thought you wanted me to die?
Yeah. But not like that!
- the end of endgame .

This chapter is shitty then the other two but yeah ❤️

Thank you for reading the endgame arc and supporting me through it. I'm incredibly happy we hit 16k, it's been a wild journey . But it's not the end yet 💛

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