Loki ~ ragnarok part 6

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Thor was once again electrocuted, just being laughed at as he struggled in pain. It got to the point where y/n struggled to watch, their hand over their mouth.. "Man he's a fighter" the grandmaster chuckled at Thor.

"I take 10 million" Valkyrie sighed.
"Tell her she's dreaming" topaz quickly snapped .

Before Valkyrie had happily walked away.

Sadly y/n had no choice but to follow the grandmaster and Thor. Staring at his cheap looking robe he war, "what I wanna know is who are you?" He asked Thor.

"I AM THE GOD OF THUNDER" he yelled out, pulling his hands out of the restraints again; electricity coming out of his finger tips.
"I didn't hear any thunder, but out of your fingers was that sparkles?" The grandmaster Asked, pointing at Thor. Giggly and joyous. Amused by Thor's every move.

"Boring. Well follow along, I think your gonna like this" the chair Thor was in moved and once they entered this room.

There was some alien looking man in a chair too, but he was crying and apologising repeatedly. Fear drained in his face as the grandmaster app approached with a massive stick in his hand, cruelly putting it against the man before he sizzled to the ground into just goopy looking lava.

Y/n gasped in horror. "That's what's going to happen y/n if you don't follow how things work around here.." he threatened. Spinning around to the next room he wanted to show his guests.

It's not safe here..
"I know. And I'm worried. I want out."

It was just a big party lounge, upbeat music loudly playing.. people partying just having a good time under this dicks rule. The noise slowly began to freak y/n out, and with no Loki they felt so lonesome.
"My name is grandmaster, I presided over a little harlequinade called the contest of champions. People come from far and wide to unwillingly participate in it, and you my friends might just be part of the new cast, what do ya say to that?" He explained to y/n and Thor.

At this point y/n had began to give up begging. Convincing him to allow them to be spared wouldn't work, especially after him knowing some of y/ns potential. They stayed silent..

"we don't give a shit about your games" Thor bursted out. Glancing at y/n, as they turned to look at him. It was a look of hope, that they would get through this: find a way out, find Loki again, stop Hela, save Asgard.

"We're going back to Asgard, wether you like it or not." Y/n spat.

"Ass-gard" the grandmaster chuckled, The music just getting louder. But amongst the busy crowds, was someone who particular stood out, a party animal mingling with others. Loki.

Their heart pounded, hitting Thor on the arm with their spare hand since the other hand was at their mouth. In shock that Loki was here.

"Loki Loki!" Thor yelled out,  Loki's smile fading from his face, y/n had saw the look he had gave, took it personally since they were standing right there. He Sped his way over.

"You're Alive?!" Loki whispered, not paying attention to y/n yet.

"Yes of course I'm alive!" Thor said. "What do you mean, what am I doing. I'm stuck in this stupid chair. Where's your chair?".

"I didn't get a chair" Loki Replied.

"How long have you been here?" Thor asked.

"Few weeks."

Finally loki had turned to y/n, engulfing them in a hug, whispering in their ear, "my darling y/n, are you okay?". They shook their head against him, before pulling away.

"I'm scared." They mouthed as The grandmaster made his way back over.

"Time works real different around these parts" he chuckled to himself. "On any other world, I'd be like, millions of years old" . Thor's jaw tightened.

"But here on sakkar.."

"In any case, you know this, uh, you called your self lord of thunder and you were y/n?" The grandmaster asked Loki pointing at us two.

The god of mischief hesitated, "no I have no idea who these people are.". Y/ns heart practically shattered, their eyes widening peering at Thor who equally in disbelief.

Why are you surprised?
"Because i thought he'd convince grandmaster to let us free."
You were wrong.

Practically y/n and Thor were thrown in a cell. It felt like a cell. That just went in circles.. Thor bashed at the door, begging at the other side but no one cared. Apart from the dude in the cell with the two, "hey hey hey, take it easy man." His soft voice called out, taking y/n and Thor by surprise as he was a pile of rocks.

"Over here, a pile of rocks waving at you" lifting his arm up.

Christ why did past me make these chapters all so short. OML.

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