The grandmaster ~ part 5

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The lady looked drowsy. "They're mine. So if you want them, you go through me" She said.

"But we've already got them" the man replied.
the lady roll her eyes , walking forward in front of her ship. "Alright then, I guess I go through you" she shrugged. Swiftly firing the guns from her ship at the men, whilst with the last of y/ns strength they created a barrier around them and Thor.

They weren't completely weakened, but that electricity did worsen their state just when their strength had returned.

The screams had died out, and so did the barrier. Thor kicked off the barrier, helping y/n once he got up. Watching them just wince in pain, clutching their side.

"thank you" Thor said politely, unaware that she threw a device. Y/n had narrowly avoided at least, but on the other hand, Thor was being electrocuted on the floor again. The lady tried again with y/n, but they avoided it again with panicked eyes. Shaking their head repeatedly.

"Don't. Or you'll regret it.." they panted.

"Why? Tell me a good reason" she asked.

Y/n shrugged, "I have powers?? That are dangerous??? Please I'll cooperate just don't electrocute me again." They begged, finally getting their own way. Following behind Thor, who was being dragged by the remainder of his cape.

They sat close to the stranger, keeping their eye on Thor who was waking back up, he was underneath y/n and the stranger, a glass ceiling /floorr. They felt bad staring at Thor, it was like they were gloating that they were in a better position then Thor.

"Scrapper 142. I need clearance and an audience with the boss. I've got special things with me" she said contacting someone. Her eyes drifting to Thor who quickly grew confused

"Hey! Where are you taking me?" He yelled from down below in a confusion, he banged on the glass, "Answer me! I'm Thor son of Odin! I need to get back to Asgard!" He yelled, as she leaned forward looking down with the device in her hand. The thing to electrocute him.

He returned to being unconscious as she pressed the button

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He returned to being unconscious as she pressed the button. Bringing just bad memories to y/n, the device remained there since they never got rid of it.. it hardly activated now at least. took awhile though since y/n had to learn how to Control their powers. Use them, without facing the consequences of ending up in pain. The last time that would've been was the Grelod incident. And after that, Loki decided to teach y/n everything he knew from his mother. control.

Y/n glanced at the stranger, "what is your name?" Striking up a conversation. The silence had been bugging them for too long.

She shot a glare at y/n, a proud smirk though raising on her face. "Valkyrie, and you are?." She replied. 

"Y/n." They replied. Taking a breath as the ship flew into the city.. soon it landed and Thor was thrown in a chair, once again when made to obey y/n did everything to avoid that. To the point where they decided to scare the people around with they could do.

The lost Thor and y/n, we're in the great city sakaar now, owned by the one called the grandmaster. Waltzing up to y/n to greet them while Thor remained unconscious, "you are simply wonderful, who are you?"

"Y/n." They replied, obeying to an extent.

"Your powers how did you do that." He asked.
They shrugged nervously, turning to see Thor finally waking back up. "We shall chat later y/n!"
He moved his way over to be in front of Thor, who was straining in the chair, "he's wonderful.." the grandmaster complimented , just what he had done to y/n. "It is a he?" He looked around for clarification before continuing to compliment Thor again.

"What have you brought today, tell me" the grandmaster turned to Valkyrie.

"Two contenders." she replied, pointing at y/n who began to shake their head once again.

"No I'm not a contender."

"I heard you're a fighter y/n. You hate my rules.. you hate listening to sweet Valkyrie here" the grandmaster grimly said in such a threatening manor.

Y/n still shook their head, yet weapons were drawn on them. "I don't hate your rules. I just don't want to be treated like an animal!"

. "Just wait a damn minute!" Thor yelled confused , straining and trying to escape. "We are not for sale!" He grunted, pulling on his arms that were attached to the chair to keep him there.

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