Midgard // Home sweet home?

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Re written 15 June

You decided to give Loki space for the rest of the day, worried that he'd grow sick of you way too easily if you latched on- you wondered though what you was to Loki again, was it still platonic? Or were you actually dating? His smell lingered on you and it killed you mentally, you just wished he was honest with feelings . Because you knew you had feelings. There was also a crippling worry about leaving Loki now, not that he would cheat, but yet you knew Grelod was somewhere. You sat in the gardens.. resting against a fountain - your hands on your head in defeat .

Boredom. You were lost with what could kill time and distract you from .. well , everything. Asgard wasn't like Midgard, and leaving the safety of these walls wasn't ideal ; human interaction again, wasn't ideal. You decided to scan around the grounds, maybe you'd accidentally find something linked to Young Y/n.

That's when an idea sparked in your head. Even though you couldn't be arsed with speaking to any Asgardians- you thought that if you wandered , potentially you might unlock a memory and find your old home.

So you did. You decided to return to your room, studying half of the things you now owned for scraps which had been tidied away by the maids.. everything was made with the finest Asgardian fabrics , and not one second did you feel guilty. You were settled on a black dress. Doing everything you could with your powers and a simple needle and scissors .

In the end, you created a cloak. It was to hide your identity, to avoid conversations and incase today was Grelods day off. It was stupid that you were that anxious you wanted to hide who you were, but you couldn't care less. You set off, determined that tonight you'd unlock another memory.

Meanwhile, Loki explored the grounds himself. Somehow things had changed since a year ago. A year ago when he thrown himself in an abyss. The god dreaded for the day that you'd see what he truly was, personally he confused how you could even love him at this moment . As to him, He'd look at himself in the mirror, and see nothing but a monster. What Odin hated the most.

On your side of things, you got to realise how beautiful Asgard was beyond your new home. Just saddened that some things in Asgard right now, were destroyed during the dark elves attack. Civilisation managed through though , they seemed to get on just fine under Odins rule.

For about 4 hours, you really took your time. just making sure that when you'd next sleep, you'd find grelods house. Your house. You eventually returned to your chambers, lonely without him.. you couldn't do this without him, you realised you were just too scared.

So you hunted him down, mindlessly running.. until you miraculously found him. "Hey! Read to me!" You yelled with no context, he was mildly confused.

"Huh? Odins sake Y/n, are you okay?" he questioned, marching up to you as you stormed to your room- he followed . "Yeah, I just want to try and get another memory". You must've sounded crazy to him.
But you were desperate.

He sighed in defeat as he watched you get cozy. Eyeing around your room for books , truthfully it was shit tip and you hadn't even been here for long- personally he couldn't bare the sprawled out clothes. "Jesus Y/n, you're giving the maids a hard time here" . He came to the conclusion you had no books.

"GOOD" you replied quickly, no hesitation.

"Okay?.. Well you don't have anything I can read-."

"Just talk at me?" You raised a brow whilst lifting your head to look at him, he nodded, laying down beside you Just Gazing at you; Captivated by you. "What made you want to even do this right now?" Loki asked.

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