Chapter 19 - y/n runs away

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Editing 25.12.2021
Bro the angst

You shut Loki out. Breaking down on the ground once he left. You had never seen him like this, but you could tell he was angry hence his departure . Instead of taking it out on you he'll take it else where. You couldn't believe why you were the monster here, when you were literally dying.

Now you had no one except the voice. No one who understood.

Alone again. It taunted. Bullying you.

In these moments, you wished to be beside someone who cared. Like Tony. Maybe Thor who was just over caring. - thoughts of escaping Asgard crowded your mind growing more and more tempted.

Who's stopping you? I know I'm not.

"Loki" you breathed out. Oh how his heart would shatter to discover you had left.. regardless, you began packing. Leaving a note behind like what most do,
Loki I need a break. Asgard is my home now but with the recent events I need to escape. I cant feel trapped here with Grelod. If you wish find me, but until there I bid you farewell. I love you and I'm sorry.

Tears plopped on the pages. You tried not to cry but it swallowed you up, escalating into wracks of sobs. This was for the best. You kept reminding yourself, maybe it would prove Lokis love to you; not like staying at your bedside for a week wasn't enough. Were you just selfish?

Heartbroken and torn, you didn't stop with your plan, nothing would get in your way. You awaited until nightfall, hoping to yourself that Loki would barge in with the most romantic apology ever! However nothing came. By that point you were officially set on leaving Asgard. See it as another vacation.

You pushed your door, turning your head from left to right at the empty hallways, double checking no guards were in sight before setting off. No guards were even stationed at your door anymore.. it really settled in on you how much the people of Asgard loved Grelod. Determining you to leave even more.

Creeping down, ducking and hiding behind the concrete walls and peering through to the outside world. Guards were mainly patrolled around the palace, but one place that was quiet was the stables. You were speedy to make it down there, breaking in efficiently.

Your getaway was set in front of you. All according to plan. Even for safety measures you placed the horse to your choice under a trance, setting up the saddle and leaping on.

Bursting out of those stables, not a single care about alerting the guards as the dark of the night protected your identity. You left, speeding through the city and the bridge, not once looking back.

Thankfully Heimdall was still awake. His puzzled look making his way over once you hopped off the horse. "Look I can explain." You sighed.

His eyes widened in realisation, "you want to leave don't you!". You nodded gritting your teeth.

"I need to find Thor or just anyone on Midgard I trust. I need to leave." You kept checking back on the bridge, panicking that you'd be caught and taken back.. "everyone here hates me right now. Even Loki and I just need a little vacation."

"Does he not know?" Heimdall asked.

You shook your head.

Choking on your words, looking back at the bridge once again, "not yet at least. Please Heimdall. Just this once." Tears threatened to spill.

"I Hope you realise what you're doing y/n and the trouble I'll be in."


Y/n managed to convince Heimdall. Now they stood on the balcony of starks tower spotting Tony from inside. His face was a mix of shock and joy, hurrying to let them in as they cried.
It was an immediate hug, "y/n honey, what's up?" He softly spoke. Gritting his teeth as pepper who was so so confused.

They pulled away, smiling sadly.. "I messed up on Asgard." Remembering Grelods face just grin at them. she had won. Got what she wanted.
"What do you mean?" Tony's brows raised, settling down at the bar as he poured y/n a drink.

Y/n gladly took it, "slowly my memories have been returning.. there was this woman, named Grelod who ruined everything. Hence why I landed in Midgard.. Urm. She declared war on me because obviously I'm back in Asgard. It was a big set out battle, I got stabbed yadada, practically died, lost control and almost killed her. And now I'm in the wrong." They paused taking a drink, allowing Tony to process that information.

"Now. Loki won't even speak to me, and I've messed everything up and I don't know what to do anymore. I miss Thor. And I missed you so I escaped!" Y/ns words quickened, becoming more hysteric at the thought of losing Loki. They loved him, yet if this was all their fault how could he still love them?

"Just remember you aren't in the wrong. You did the right thing leaving. And I hope you gave that prick a piece of your mind y/n!" Tony replied.

They nodded, "I did. I did.."

"Good. About time too." Tony left from behind the bar, taking a seat beside y/n. Taking a note of their arm, "nasty scar there." His eyes fixed on it.

Y/n looked at it, gritting their teeth. "She did that."

"And Loki still blames you? What a dick. Stay here as long as you need to y/n, I assume he'll hunt for you though." Tony sighed, realising there would be a god knocking at his door just for the one he 'loves'.

Y/n shrugged, "that's if he will appear."

"Could truly prove if he loves you." Tony added on. Speculating.

Y/n finished their drink, leaving their seat and making eye contact with pepper. "Tony what is going on." She called out, practically shaking, all because y/n was there. No wonder y/n hardly saw pepper, she was always avoiding them.

The man jumped up, waving his hands around, "relationship problems with loki." He grinned. Making his way other to pepper where the couple began to whisper, y/n stood cluelessly, listening in on their conversation. A conversation about the danger to have y/n under their roofs, even though they had already been here before without pepper knowing..

There was no negotiating to Tony. He already decided he have y/n under his care for as long as it needed to be- y/n was his little secret. A child he never had. And stark would do anything to fix the past.

Y/n wandered off to their bed, where they slept the last time they stayed here. However, it didn't feel as comforting as the last time. Loki's scent lingered and thought of him crowded their mind once more. Was it was silly to say they missed him? They laid on the side where Loki had slept.
Wondering if he would go after them.

- meanwhile -

Loki paced y/ns room. Tears clouding his vision as he read the note, it really dawned on him that he fucked up. Although, he decided against chasing after y/n. There was things he needed to do before he'd bring them home.

The god stormed over to the servants quarter, darkened eyes with only one goal. Grabbing on the one he wanted by the arm and throwing her out of her bed, he then proceeded to drag her out of the vicinity of others. Pinning her against the wall by her neck.

"What have you done to me." He spat. Fighting the urge to kill her while she forced a strained laugh. "A spell of course."

"Do you think this funny?"

"Why yes I do."

His grip got tighter to the point where she struggled to mutter any words. He stopped at a certain point. "You're lucky I won't kill you. Yet."

"Everything was going according to plan" she coughed out, slurring on words as her vision slowly returned. "What plan?" Loki questioned.

"Yours and y/ns cute little breakup."

He remembered none of this. But it certainly explained y/ns escape.. "everyone went against them. Even you! Now they're gone! All because you sided with me.." Grelod cackled.

Loki couldn't stand her. To the point where he couldn't help but shut her up, knocking her flat out and dragging her to a cell. Where she'd rot. Now all he needed was to get y/n to return.

Monster  / Loki x reader ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें