ACT 9 - I love you 3000 -Endgame part 3 (important message at end)

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Longer chapter then usual WOOO 🎉 I hate it so leave a vote and comment with something positive skks or your opinion at the message at the end.
Luna was already a fair and beautiful teenager- reminded y/n of Loki with her gorgeous void like hair. Obviously Luna had grown quite moody however she remained a very strong connection with her mom. The teenager had discovered her powers, which were mindcontrol, being strong and weak although during tough times Y/n had supported Luna greatly. since the 5 years, little Morgan Stark was born and another gift was brought into Y/ns life.. she'd grown a connection with pepper and Tony's child including Luna who would play with the little girl.

The cold nights and morning were now filled with laughter, Y/n wished that she hadn't but her thoughts of Loki felt like they had faded- her nightmares were bad, and her powers were still dangerous but Luna was there every night beside her; comfort and love.
The three played outside in the cold that day, little Morgan Stark with the rescue armour helmet on her head and Luna lifting the small girl up and flying her around like she was in the suit. Meanwhile, y/n kept an eye on them before popping into the blue floral cute tent that had belonged to Luna and now Morgan. Sitting on the cozy pillows, the two girls looked up to Y/n with puppy eyes as she tried to read a book in peace. "Read me a Stwory" Morgan demanded, with a chuckle y/n grabbed ahold of Morgan and sat her on her lap. "It's very boring sweetpea" she smiled, as she bounced her knee up and down.
"Aw" she cried, pouting. Quickly to please the young child, Luna grabbed out a children's book that was from the other day when they played in here together.
And so Y/n began to read the book her daughter gave her, Luna listening even though it was a childish book only meant for children. Once again, it used to belong to Luna.
She watched her beautiful mother who read softly and fluently , who wore such cute cozy winter clothes with her (h/c) hair tied with a mint green ribbon.. Luna cherished this moment forever, always Y/n and Luna against everything else in this empty world.

Clapping had drawn closer, Morgan squealing and
Y/n shushing the small child as they pretended they didn't exist from Tony. "Chow time" he called out,
"Maguna" he bent down, slowly sitting into a little kids chair.
"Morgan H Stark. Luna, Blueee. You want lunch?" He continued, suddenly the girl popped out of the tent. Followed by Y/n and Luna.

"Define 'lunch' or be disintegrated" she said, her tone was so innocent and cute. Tony sighed.
"You shouldn't be wearing that, okay? That is a part of a special anniversary gift I'm making for mom" he kissed her, then her taking off the helmet, she smiled softly.
"How did you find this" Tony asked,

"Lulu" Morgan sweetly smiled as swept away her brown locks of her that got in front of her eyes, "well I'll tell lulu off later. Let's get lunch guys" he stood up, sweeping Morgan off her feet and carrying her on his side- "it's fine, actually mommy never wears anything I buy her" Tony muttered to himself, listening out for a giggle from the two girls behind him- he turned his head over his shoulder whilst walking giving Y/n and Luna a threatening glare.

But as they walked to the house, an unexpected visitor had popped out of the car, Steve and Natasha and some other man.. However Tony's face instantly dropping and Lunas hand instantly grabbing Y/n like a small child.
You hadn't seen them since you had taken Luna, you couldn't be bothered to continue to take her up there as the journey was tiring same with a journey to see Thor. But the way the three of them stood, it seemed threatening and intimidating, and it was obvious they wanted something.

You felt Luna squeeze your hand, your eyes looking down at the teen who was beginning to get taller then you- probably taking it from her dad. As you walked up the wooden steps on the porch behind Tony who span around with Morgan and gave them a look before continuing walking.

Morgan was given to pepper as the unexpected guests waited outside, you, Tony and Luna were in the kitchen. "What do they want?" Luna grumbled, attempting to predict what they wanted.
"I have no idea. Blue?" Tony sighed, but you just shook your head watching him grab a set of cups and coffee he had just made and place them on a tray, swiftly you stepped in and grabbed them. "Well, we'll find out" you gave him a promising smile. The three of you, leaving back outside.
They had explained everything, and boy did you didn't like it, you felt Lunas soft hand tighten on yours as she felt your stress just rising and rising; your demons screaming at you at the thought of this plan..
"No. We know what it sounds like" this 'antman' guy stammered.

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