Brainstorm session - Endgame part 6

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Oh. This'll be a shit chapter because nothing interesting I going on TuT

With great convincing, and desperation from Y/n, Thor had agreed to help with the persuasion of beer.. and they headed back to their base. Luna and Y/n settling down with helping Rocket and Tony build this thing that would allow them to go into the past, while the others worked on the suits.. Luna and Y/ns betrayal beginning to work out. The widow had duplicated one of the suits and a pym particles, one for the way back and one for the way there. What her intentions were? Luna didn't even know or understand but she was insisted to help.
Y/n would soon have Loki back and that's all that mattered..

-They all stood around the machine they had built, with Clint in the middle with the suit on; and as hulk fired the switch he disappeared in thin air. It was their test run to see if objects could be brought back, so in theory if it works they'd be able to get the stones. And successfully he came back, with a glove tightly squeezed in his hand as he cried out his daughters name and flopped onto his knees. Everyone rushing to him as he stood up with the glove in his hand.
Y/n turned to Luna with a smile, their eyes glancing at each other in excitement to see it had worked.
So with the time heist in process, they all sat around the table with a brainstorm in process. The infinity stones all shown on screens.
"Okay, so the how works. Now, we gotta figure out the when and where. Almost everyone in this room has had an encounter... with at least one of the six infinity stones" Steve said as he walked around, presenting the screen and examples of infinity stones. Luna sat there in basically awe, being fascinated since she wasn't alive back then.

"Or substitute the word 'encounter' for damn near been killed' by one of the six infinity stones" Tony continued after Steve, holding a cup of coffee in his hand.
"Well I haven't but I don't even know what the he'll you're all talking about." Scott chimed in, blinking stars Tony with his mouth opened in a '0' shape.

"Same, but I'm not thick as shit and I understand" Luna mocked, exhaling out a sigh, and in response
Y/n hit her arm gently; shaking her head at her daughter who wanted to badly chuckle.

"Regardless, we only have enough pym particles for one round-trip each. And these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history." Banner began, as he walked around in a loop..

"So, lets start with the aether" Y/n suggested, standing up and turning her head at Thor. Who was tucked into the corner , asleep with glasses on and a beer.
"Is he asleep?" Natasha asked, twiddling her fingers around.
"-No, no, I'm pretty sure he's dead" Luna sighed, from where she sat.

You stood beside thor, listening to him as he explained the aether...

"Uh, where to start? Uh.. the aether, firstly, its not a stone. Someone called it a stone before. Um, it's more of an angry sludge sort of a thing... so someone's gonna need to amend that and stop saying that. Here's an interesting story, though, about the aether. My grandfather many years ago.. had to hide the stone from the dark elves. Ooohhhh. Scary beings. So Jane, actually.." he clicked on the screen, onto a picture of Jane.
"Oh there she is. Yeah, so Jane was an old flame of mine, you know, she stuck her hand inside a rock this one time... and the aether stuck itself inside her.. and she became very, very sick and so I had to take her to Asgard. Which is where me and y/n are from... and we had to try and fix her. We were dating at the time, you see.. and I got to introduce her to my mother... who's dead and um, and you know me and Jane aren't even dating  Yes, these things happen though. You know? Nothing lasts forever, the only thing that.."

You sighed, "she was a bitch. Now let's sit down Thor.-"
"I'm not done yet. The only think that is permanent in life is impermanence" he continued, you grabbed ahold of him again, trying to pull him away.

"Eggs, breakfast?" You asked.
"No. I'd like a Bloody Mary" he said with a smile at you, making you sigh before dragging his fat ass over to his chair.
As you sat back down next to your daughter, who appeared to be crying of laughter from some reason- you both now listened to rocket. Hopefully his story wouldn't be as long as Thor's. after a short break, you had all ordered chinese, sitting around the table and digging in while rocket stood on the table.

"Quill said he stole the power stone, from morag." He began, being interrupted by Hulk.

"Is that a person?" Bruce asked stuffing his face with chinese.

"No, morags a planet" rocket continued. "Quill was a person"

"Like a planet? Like in outer space?" Scott then interrupted, taking a hold of the noodles in the wooden chopsticks he held in his hand.
"Awhh, it's like a little puppy, all happy and everything. Do you wanna go to space? You wanna go to space, puppy?" Rocket mocked, rubbing Scott's hair before he swatted rockets hand away.

Next was nebula..
"Thanos got the stone from vormir"

"What's vormir?" Luna asked, sitting closer to you..
"A dominion of death... at the very center of celestial existence. It's where thanos murdered my sister." She replied darkly, the whole room in silence and looking around.

You couldn't be bothered to listen to the final part about dr strange, you and Luna were too busy setting up the time heist plan for yourselves before the final meeting and plan of the time heist with everyone else.
She looked at you with sad eyes..

"Luna.. what's wrong?" You asked, pulling her in close to your chest.

"I won't be able to go with you. Will I?" She replied confessing her worries.

"You'll be going with Tony. It'll be fine, he'll protect you. And you'll get to see Your dad " you smiled, pulling her away from your warmth and tapping lightly on her bright pink nose.

She leaned in whispering something to you, you let out a grin as your eyes glimmered with green. "It'll work, I've got it all set up" you replied.

- (oop I wonder what'll happen skskks)
( to be continued)

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