A team? ~ Endgame part 4

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IMPORTANT- PLS READ- marvel_fangirl06 , was complaining to me again that instead of Natasha and Clint dying that Rhodey dies Instead. Now obviously, I do not agree but she says we should "yeet" him off the cliff for the soul stone. 😂😂
WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK. I honestly couldn't care less. But this bumbag insisted I tell you guys and get your opinions again 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
-sorry it's been a while just some shit gets in the wayyyy
Y/n wandered into their bedroom, after saying goodnight to Tony. She was tired, and her emotions were getting the best of her after today. The joy of seeing Loki though soon was mentally pounding her..
The two girls climbed into the double bed once y/n had turned off the main light- leaving the little lamp on that lit up the room. Luna stared at Y/n, who looked back with a hopeful smile. "What was Asgard like momma?" She asked..

It made Y/n think, As Asgard wasn't a place, it was the people. She remembered the gorgeous garden that the palace held outside, once Loki became busy she would spend most days out doors training with the soldiers. "It was beautiful" she replied, deep in thought.

"Did dad ever become a king?" Luna wondered. Y/n nodded- "he was an amazing king, better then I had thought.. only because of his tricky ways in his past, he never seemed like he'd be the type to get Asgard in order- realistically he did though, I always trusted him even from the start.. I was told a lot as 'Queen' that I had changed Loki for good. And In some ways I like to believe that I actually did. Loki of course remained mischievous but i had brought out another side I hadn't seen.." Y/n explained as Luna listened in awe about her father. Her eyes twinkling.

"Do I remind you of him?" Luna asked another question as Y/n swept her hair out of her face, "when seeing Loki as a teenager, you really do. Now get to sleep sweetpea. We've got a busy day tomorrow "
Y/n replied, before beginning to sing sweetly to Luna; until her daughter fell asleep.. and soon she had drifted off too.

The morning was hectic as Luna and Y/n rushed around in the house getting ready, the two running down the stairs like little children and bolting out of the door once they had said goodbye to Morgan and pepper. They had no idea when they would next see them as well..
"You're late girls" Tony sighed, as the two got in the car- Y/n at the front and Luna at the back.

"She took to long" Luna replied, gazing out of the window while Tony drove..

After a while, they had made it. To where Tony pulled up to where Steve stood, "never drive again please" Luna cried from the back, holding her hand to her mouth in fear that she would be sick from Tony's fast driving. He gave out a chuckle, rolling down the window and giving Steve a cold look. "Why the long face? Let me guess, he turned into a baby?" Tony asked.

"Among other things, yeah. What are you doing here?"

"It's the EPR paradox." Tony got out, followed by Luna and Y/n. "Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up..pushing time through Lang. It's tricky, dangerous. Somebody could have cautioned you against it." He continued, as Y/n and Luna appeared beside him.

"You did" Steve replied.

"Oh, did I? Well, thank god we're here. Regardless, I fixed it with Y/n, a fully functioning time space GPS. I just want peace. Turns out resentment is corrosive, and I hate it." Tony said, showing it which formed a smile on Steve's face.
"Me too"

"We got a shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priorities. Bring back what we lost, I hope, yes. Keep what I found, I have to, at all costs. And maybe not die trying."

The two shook hands, "Blue, get the present please" Tony asked for, y/n nodding and running off to the boot of the car- opening it she pulled out Captain America's shield.. "Tony I don't know" Steve turned to him, staring at the shield which Y/n held trying to give to him. "Why? He made it for you. Plus honestly, I have to get it out of the garage before Morgan takes it sledding with Luna." Tony replied, Watching Y/n hand it to Steve.

"Thank you Tony"
"- don't tell the team, we never got them presents"
Y/n smiled
"We're getting a whole team?" Luna asked,

"Well, we're working on that right now" Steve sighed in response
As the two entered the building, Y/n was greeted by Rocket and nebula; happily hugging them while Luna stood their confused. "Ah! Your alive, and who's this?" Rocket asked after Y/n stood back up .
"Of course! Oh yeah, this is Luna, my daughter" she smiled,
"I thought she would've been a baby still" nebula replied with coldness in her voice.

"Well, gods age differently" y/n shrugged.

"Hiya! I'm Luna, you must be nebula and Rocket raccoon?"

"How..? That's some freaky shit" rocket replied , watching Luna point to her head with a smirk and wink.

It was at that moment when Y/n's eyes noticed the hulk who entered the building now, quickly she ran over to him and gave him a big hug. "Bruce! What happened?" She explained, as pulled away.
"Y/n long time no see! Urm long story. Where's the baby?" He asked , y/n pointed at Luna who stood with her arms folded.

"Urm that's not a baby" Bruce said with eyes wide.

"Hi. The names Luna"

~ Luna pov ~
I had literally just came across a raccoon, a pissy looking space person, and now a giant green monster- to be honest I just acted my normal self, which was to always be happy in certain situations.
"Hi . The names Luna" I had greeted.

"I'm a god" I sighed, licking my lips which to then I had formed a smile.
"Ah Loki's child, I remember. It's been so long though Y/n!"

I could see momma cringe, but she had plastered a smile as she hugged him again. "So what's your name?" I asked.

"Bruce banner, you know I just to take care of your mom" he held his hand after momma moved out the way, I took it- yep I knew that, momma told me. Also told me about all the tests..

"Bruce, rocket- you're going to find Thor!" Steve called out, my eyes opened wide and so did mommas.

"HEY CAP! WE'RE COMING TOO" Momma waved and yelled over to Steve who nodded. I jumped up and down excitedly, leaping into her arms with a hug.
"Ahhhh you get to meet your uncle" she continued.

~ to be continued ~
Ur gurl threw up at school yesterday whoop whoop- and I'm not allowed in school for 48 hours . But here's the thing, my second head of year didn't believe me at all and then I threw up 🥴

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