The start of a monster.. - past part 2

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You watched in the corner, watching Tony leave the room and locking the door of the room where past
Y/n was kept; that's when a shot of adrenaline hit you. You wanted to leave, you wanted to get out.. you quickly rushed over to the door planning to kick it down, but embarrassingly falling flat onto your face onto the other side since you were able to just walk right through it since you're not actually here.

Stupid - your mind/powers voice told you. You scoffed and sighed as you jumped back up, surprisingly it never hurt..probably because you're not actually there and it's a flashback dream. But you marched over, following Tony as he turned the corner, all the other agents walking right through you which freaked you out like hell.

You eventually made it to the room where Tony entered, stepping inside to see Nick and Maria standing around a table. "She's awake" Tony sighed, which Maria nodded.
"So do we continue?" She Asked, looking at fury for an answer. "Well yeah, she's from a different planet, she's got powers. She'll be handy , get the doctors to make her stronger" He ordered, clicking his fingers together. You felt disgusted..this was what happened though..

"So you kidnapped the kid from the police and are using her as a weapon?" Tony questioned, folding his arms. "She'll one day find out Nick, she'll rebel. It's not smart!" He continued.

"Stark. It's a experiment, probably won't even work and she won't even live"
You went through another time skip, seeing the next part of this really weird flashback dream..well that's what you called it. Sadness just loomed over you now, watching Past you just being experimented on and used as a weapon and a monster.

She had grown up more during this time, maturing more of a mind and power with a voice. You watched, fully understanding the risk you were to everyone around ; especially that morning.

The past Y/n had awoken, in that tiny room with nothing in which you called a home back then. All there was, was a shitty mattress and a blanket which wasn't even that good. Past Y/n always wore the same clothes everyday and the same pjs, she did wash them everyday as well and obviously she had clean underwear and a bra ready everyday that she'd wash before she'd fall asleep. This time period you were watching right now you were probably only 15 guessing by your age and you had already had a full routine. You remembered none of this.

You followed yourself out of the room, where Tony stood waiting for her. "Hey Y/n, how you doing this morning?" He asked, as they walked down the hall. She remained silent for a second and with her dead eyes she looked up at him, "what's it like out there?" Your past self asked, her voice sounding so dead inside. Her memory was already gone..

"Oh, well. Busy and chaotic. Hey, how about I take you to see my house? You can sleep there for a night, Pepper Potts will look after you. You met her right?" He replied, hoping for a better reaction which Past Y/n never shown. She just nodded, "I don't remember anyone called Pepper potts"

I skipped a little further, but you awoken again a year ago and met pepper back then, unfortunately there was a bad incident so they did more work on us Y/n. It erased your memory again. - your mind told you,
"It's not fair..why? Why did I get treated like this?" You said to yourself, unexpectedly hearing Loki's voice again.
"Nick fury was obviously wanting power during this time , and was curious about you being from Asgard."

Power it was a tempting thing to people, it shown higher authority to many. A greed to have to show their worthiness, obviously what Nick wanted from you.
(A/n: sorry I made nick fury into a villain basically but I promise he'll redeem himself 👌🏻)

Tony had taken Past Y/n to his home , the stark tower which in your time was now the avengers tower, you remembered that from when you found out who vision was.

As you entered the place on the top floor, a wave of nostalgia hit you from when you and Loki attacked Tony twice technically. You walked through Past you, and walked right up to the window; you placed your hand there where you remembered it being smashed from the first time. A tear slid down your cheek, in reality while you were still asleep and in your dream flashback...

You heard speaking in the background, so you turned around to see Past Y/n was being greeted to Pepper Potts . Pepper wore blue shorts and a white shirt on this day.
In five days, you're gonna destroy the S.H.I.E.L.D base . Are you excited Y/n? Your powers voice prewarned you, your eyes had attacked them?!
You shook your head and closed your eyes, holding your hands on head. Covering your face completely.

"So how about that blue, anything you break I'll fix it" you looked up, hearing the name blue. That stupid nickname, which Tony still called you. Lowering your head down again.
Suddenly You felt you be pulled into a manly chest and a hand run down your hair.

No one could touch you. You were confused.
But when you looked up , you saw Loki's clothing and slowly your eyes drifted up to see his gorgeous face you missed so much.
"Y/n you do realise I'm not actually here" he chuckled.

" can they see you?.." you asked, your whole body shaking. "Only you can see me because I'm dead. But Y/n darling there's no need to cry, so dry your tears because you finally have me for the time your asleep.." Loki's smooth voice told you,

—— (A/n you haven't awoken yet Okie? XD)
In reality, Peter had became worried. He watched you sleep to keep an eye on you, but had noticed the tears streaming down your cheek in your sleep. "Tony!" He yelled.

"Kid ! We're busy thinking of a plan, not right now" Tony sighed, telling back to him.

"It's Y/n! Is it normal to cry in sleep?!" Peter yelled again, which Tony came over and bent down at peters level. "Do we wake her?" Peter placed his hand on your arm, which he was suddenly knocked far back, swiftly he shot a web at a scrap of metal sticking and out and swung back over. "Don't. Whatever's going on, her powers obviously don't want us to wake her" Tony said, standing back up.

-To be continued... I REALLY HOPE YOUR ENJOYING IT . I know it's different and we haven't gotten on to infinity war that much at the moment but it is key to explain Your past first due to the fact I've only explained it a little in like one chapter ? -
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