Hela ~ part 4

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No one was able to deal with the death of Odin in a peaceful manor, everything happened so quick that it was hard to just process.. especially for Thor and Loki. As the clouds roared, that pale blue sky simply vanished, the brothers and y/n standing up staring up into the monster that was emerging. "Brother." Thor spat.

Electricity crackling of the tips of his fingertips, clenching his knuckles with heavy breath. "This is your doing!" He yelled. Watching y/n jump in between them, they were shaking their head, struggling to stand. "Please don't fight. Not now. She's here." They choked out.

Turning their head to see the figure approaching.
Black clouds with green sparks and the lady who emerged from it. Her hair ratty, greasy and unkept, a smirk twisting upwards and cold Smokey eyes. "So he's gone! That's a shame. I would've like to have seen that" she smirked.

"So you must be Hela" Thor responded. "I'm Thor, son of Odin" he continued, she chuckled .

"Really? You don't look like him" Hela Replied.

"Perhaps we can come to an arrangement?" Loki discussed.

"You sound like him" she quickly responded, pleased.

She shot y/n a look, "and who are you?" She pointed at them, growling.
"I'm just an Asgardian.." y/n replied in a panicked manor, glaring at her.

"Kneel" Hela demanded at the three of you.

Y/ns eyes grown wide .

. "Beg your pardon?" Loki leaned forward, in a daze that someone had the audacity to tell him to kneel, "no!" Y/n protested.

The goddess of death tried another tactic, a blade appearing in her hand, "kneel." She repeated

Y/n protested again, "no."

As Thor strided forward, "I don't think so." He sighed, throwing his hammer at Hela. It should've been a clean hit to knock her back, yet it now was in her palm. Held up. Vibrating in her hands as Thor attempted to call it back, sweat dripping down his forehead, growing more panicked. "This isn't possible.." he muttered in complete horror.

"Darling, you have no idea what's possible" Hela grinned, as the hammer smashed into million of pieces, exploding out waves of electricity. Y/n had no chance to think, yet a Barrier covered the three of them. Protecting y/n, Loki and Thor. They heaved out of breath.

The barrier dropping, y/n feeling faint, held up by Loki. The aftermath of Strange still having effect on them..

Meanwhile Hela waltzed forward, engaging in combat, swords in both hands.
"BRING US BACK" Loki yelled, looking up to the sky, worried for y/ns safety.
"No!" Thor screamed out.

y/n had awoken, confused as ever as Thors face was right in front of theirs. His hands on their shoulders. "You're awake. Finally." He sighed in relief, giving them space. Their eyes adjusted on their surroundings, junk everywhere, this wasn't Asgard. "Where are we.." they groaned.

Thor helped them stand, the two looking off into the distance to see a city far far away. "I have no idea.." Thor replied sadly.

A sudden alarm blared nearby, a ship appearing out of nowhere. With groups of people with masks on coming out, "are you a fighter or food!" One of them asked.

Thor tried to give off a friendly smile, "we're just passing through!" He responded. As y/n began to prepare to fight back. Energy returning back to them. "It is food!" The man called out.

Instinctively, Thor had raised his arm, waiting for his hammer to appear in his hand yet it never came. His face saddening. But there was no time to mourn the loss of his prized possession, since there was a gun pointed at y/n and Thor.

Y/n unexpectedly moved quicker then the man had expected. Disarming him and flinging him off into the heaps of junk with a wave of force. Meanwhile, Thor had his cape ripped off, attacked by two men at once so y/n jumped in.

As the man tried to touch y/n he was immediately flung back. However, a net entangled both y/n and Thor, electrocuting the two on the ground. Y/n couldn't move, they felt trapped trying to use their powers. Although, their attempts were coming to failure. Y/n and Thor had ended up being kicked repeatedly, their bodies aching as it came to a stop.

A cold breeze gusted over, another ship landing. Just barely y/n could a lady step out, a glass of alcohol sat in her hand as you took swigs. "They're mine." She said, throwing the bottle amongst the trash, before she fell in the trash too.

So the tribe people began again kicking again , "wait!" She yelled out, popping up from the trash.

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