Chapter 16 - Are you even human.

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Edited 20th December 2021

Loki left you to clean yourself up, change into dry clothes and warm up by the fire. But yet you felt conflicted. How did Loki truly care about you? Of course he cared, but what were you calling this : Friends with benefits? Just friends? Lovers? The voice would tell you otherwise.
"He's only using you" every time.

you'd shake your head and move on. Feel an emotional connection with the god and the circle would repeat.

He made you happy, safe and regardless you feared you'd be dumped on the side. Forgotten about. 

In that moment of thought, tears welled in your eyes, until you swore the file was calling your name. It was only your imagination, yet it felt so real. Daunting you to pick it up, get it over and done with. But without Loki?
You grasped it in your hands, making your way towards the fire once again and settling down on the floor.

Y/n L/n It read on the front.

"I can do this" you took a breath, turning the front page.

Test 1.
When we found y/n l/n they harnessed a power unseen before. It really proves that magical beings exist. Or better, gods and aliens. The government believe this is for the best, so we construct a series of tests.
The first one will show their powers to us, so we can understand what we are dealing with.
The subject claims they remember a world called Asgard. That is it.

Test 2.
Things got out of control. So we destroyed Y/n L/n. Recreated them and fixed our mistakes, this time they are stronger then when they first arrived. They hold no memory. And only show trust to Tony stark.
They go through out bursts. So in test 2 we will see if our creation is working or needs a reset.

Test 3.
A man died because of them. So we reset y/n l/n again. They now have the power of even stronger powers.

You couldn't read anymore and yet there was so much left. In despair, you stared at your hands. Wondering if you were human or just a machine, you needed clarification. Desperately searching for a way to test that until you opened up a wound with your powers, watching the blood leak out of the gash.. so you were human. Bled like one at least.

"Heal it up then." You spat. Waiting for the cut to be healed back up, however the voice ignored your request. It was hopeless to try and beg further so you wrapped it up and cleaned the wound in the sink just incase. It didn't hurt much.

Sighing, you placed the file back in its place just as Loki waltzed in. "Would you like to accompany me on this fine evening?". Evening? Your concept of time was messed up.

You plastered a smile, "of course" trailing along behind him. He was merry. Rambling on about a book he couldn't wait to read and how amazing it was being the ruler of Asgard. And that made you more joyous as his joy radiated off of him..

You were taken to a room, where glorious selections of foods laid on the table and two chairs just for the two of you. A vase of roses and candlelight sat in the middle. Your cheeks seemed to gush at his attempt to be romantic.

"I thought since you seemed down I'd cheer you back up!" Loki beamed with a smile, watching you take a seat.

But you fell distracted. Since She had entered the room. Grelods vile smile. It tipped you on edge. Nauseating.

You choked on your food, "I love it Loki, thank you.. you're too kind". His cheeks reddened, as he shook his head.

"Anything for my darling y/n.."

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