A/N - important

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So, hiya! Thank you all for 16K 😭🥳💞
I screamed
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But basically, I'm doing an author's note rn because obviously it's the end of Endgame. And I wanted to clear things up before tomorrow, the finales of endgame come out.

Here's everything that'll be written tomorrow explained so no one gets confused
Sticking to my original plan, there will be 3 endings- :

The true ending (Tony's death, the original endgame part - and the ending that will make it into the proper proper future of monster and Lunas story)

The bad ending (where you basically put on the gauntlet instead of tony. There will be an after math in that chapter but technically it never happened because it won't go into the future of monster or lunas story) (basically you'll die)

The good ending (you and tony both survive, I'm not gonna spoil how that'll happen tho . But again, that technically never happened as again it won't go into the future of monster or lunas story)

- OVERALL. This isn't the finale of monster all together, it's just the ending of the endgame arc. Although this will be wrapped up very very soon .
If you do have any ideas for arcs after endgame to keep it going a little longer then suggest away!
But I'm pretty sure once endgame is finished, we also start lunas story. 💞
Hope you're all excited for tomorrow's chapters 🥳💝💞💘💕

And thank you for supporting this story

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