Unexpected news ~ thor ragnarok part 8

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I'm so sorry for this next arc. But sadly I cant erase it because it's kinda important and a big part of infinity war and endgame ;-; . I HATE CIS ME FROM 3 YEARS AGO 😭😭
   re writing this as a trans man is pretty funny.

Thor had noticed y/ns silence, how they sat just completely zoned out. That's when it dawned,
y/n wasn't sick because they were injured or getting used to a new environment.. they were pregnant. He acted casual for the time being, waving his hand in-front of their face, "Earth to y/n, ello??" He smiled.

"You alright?" Thor asked, watching them nod.

Okay he couldn't stay causal, "ARE YOU PREGNANT?" Thor began panicking.

Y/ns eyes widened, ultimately confused, "WHAT?". Pressing their hand on their stomach, "I don't think so?" They grew panicked.

"How long have you been sick for?" It turned into an interrogation.

Y/n shrugged, "a little while? I thought I was just Ill. Small sickness you know?" Their eyes widened again in fear, repeating the words in their head, I'm not ready to be a parent. Over and over again.

"Was that you feeling sick at the wizards place?" Thor asked. They shook their head.

"I've felt similar things before around that sort of power. It's not the sickness." They answered truthfully..

Thor was increasingly getting worried about them, "I think you're pregnant.." he softly spoke, gritting his teeth. Y/n wanted to deny it.

"Might not be! Don't have a test so I can't find out.... Wait.." they sighed knowing they could ask the voice in their head..

"Is there anything inside my stomach right now.." they were mentally praying.
Some creature i guess. Thought it was an alien.

Y/n screwed their eyes closed, "I think so." They wanted to sob.

Thor clapped, "congratulations y/n!". They shook their head, they didn't want this celebration. Mumbling oh god to themselves repeatedly as Thor hugged them. y/n pulled away, seriousness in their eyes, "don't you dare tell Loki, not right now.."

The god came to a realisation, "shit the contest. You shouldn't be doing that y/n! Just tell the truth to the guards and get out of the fight."

Y/n tried that, and no one listened. Listed it as an excuse since y/ns whole time on sakaar had been trying to get out of the terrible treatment.

At least Thor was by their side, ever growing anxiety for them as he knew this wasn't going to be healthy for the baby.

Lasers kept them held off from escaping, the whole time y/n had clung onto thors arm once again but this time so they wouldn't lose him amongst the other contestants.. together, they picked out their weapons. Y/n growing uncomfortable with using a sword and not their powers.. it was just a simple blade, nothing too fancy or anymore out of comfort..

Throughout Thor and Korgs conversations, all y/n could think about was the child. Worrying about various things..

"I heard we're tag teaming." Thor said happily. However he found himself Getting distracted by other things.. dragging y/n along with him to see Valkyrie. She was sat drinking.

"You know she's Asgardian.." korg whispered to Thor, immediately leaving the scene after fleeing Thor with that information. Shocked to hear that.

"Hey hey!" Thor called out, Valkyrie turned with the remote to shock Thor in her hand. "Hey" she grinned. Thor backed away a little. "Do not zap me with that thing!" Thor pointed, holding his breath.

"We just wanna talk.." y/n said calmly, as Valkyrie put it down on the table listening to y/n.

"Asgard is in danger" Thor said, the two of them watched Valkyrie drink her beer; and on her arm y/n spotted the Valkyrie symbol. They hit Thor's arm, whispering in his ear.

Y/ns knowledge of the Valkyries were foggy though, only knew what y/n had briefly read in the stories..

"My god, your a Valkyrie. I used to want to be a valkyrie when I was younger.." Thor had a big smile on his face.

"Aren't they all women..?" Y/n questioned, attempting to remember what they could.

"Yep" Thor sighed, he followed Valkyrie as she moved . "Not that there's anything wrong with women . I love women" Thor continued, making it more awkward then it already was.

"I think that it's great that there's an elite force of women warriors. It's about time" Thor winked with a smile, y/n wanted to laugh.

"Are you done?" Valkyrie said , bored by Thor's shitty little tale .

A yell broke out from afar, y/n jumped. "Y/N AND LORD OF THUNDER, you're up!!" The warden said.

Dread filling the duo. However Thor wasn't done with his conversation, he got closer to the laser begging for help, "Fine , then you must be a traitor or a coward" he raised his voice.
"Because the Valkyrie is sworn to protect the throne" he continued.

Y/ns chest began to heave in stress, watching the Valkyrie storm over, "listen closely, your majesty. This is Sakaar, not Asgard. And I'm a scrapper, not a Valkyrie" she lectured Thor.

It was panic in that moment for y/n,
Her name isn't Valkyrie.
"I realised! What is it."

Men were making their way over, strong hands grabbing ahold of y/n and Thor. Y/n squirmed, no bursts of power coming out as the wave of nausea was worsening.

"Your name is Brunnhilde and you're a Valkyrie wether you like it or not. Stop hiding and being a coward!" Y/n had yelled. Satisfaction to both Thor and y/n as her eyes had widened..

Now it began. Separated from Thor to be adjusted.. Being fitted into armour.. heavy but yet felt so flimsy like it'd break. Maybe they were also just panicking that it wasn't strong enough, and wouldn't protect the child. Y/n eventually found Thor, standing behind the doors that would soon open.. but they were horrified to see that his long hair was no longer long.

"That's unnerving.." they commented. His face saddened, as he touched his head, "we'll get used to it over time.." he sighed..

Realising y/n was struggling to stay with reality in this moment of time, they felt like a prisoner again. As usual he hugged them tight, being quite optimistic and positive.. "everything is going to be okay.. we are going to win this! And I'll keep you and the baby safe.".

It had never been more clear that Thor cared about y/n, quite literally like a sibling.

"Thank you.." they mumbled. The duo turning their head to see the doors opening..

It begins.

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